
Racially offensive game???

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I work at an inner city school, students are hispanic and african american. During recess, students started playing a game called "Jew and n***s". That was bad enough, but some of the students were really getting into the n**i roles, which really bothered me. I pulled several students aside and asked them what they thought they were doing. They didnt understand why it was wrong for them to play that game. How can you possibly have 4th and 5th graders understand that doing that was wrong???




  1. maybe they should be taught about the Holocaust, it seems like they just have no idea what it was really like

  2. I don't think it's racially insensitive at all. I don't know the game, but I would imagine it has to do with one group holding power over another group, and I imagine it was taught by a teacher- because what 4th grader is just sitting around thinking about n***s.

    The reason I think it's probably just fine for kids is that the way we learn some of our more abstract lessons is through dramatic play- often through role play. The idea that not all people are treated equally and some live as secondary citizens are more than apparent to 4th graders, and this game would probably help them deal with that in the same way as wearing their parents clothes when they were 6 helped them deal with the concept as adults.

    But likewise, because they were 4th graders, I imagine they were probably overly brutal and torturous to each other, because that's what children are like.

  3. No, no game like this should be played. This is a very bad judgement..for them. Tell your Principal..

  4. It's offensive enough to make me wanna be sick. You're definately going to have to take action. Are you able to start educating them? They're old enough to read Anne Frank. Can you show them a movie? Swing Kids should teach them a bit. It's made by Disney so you should be able to get it approved to show. There's a poem talking about how they came for the jews so I did not speak, then they came for the muslims and I did not speak... Not sure all the lines, but if you can find that, liken it to Slavery. Then point out, it was written because of the Holocaust. They need to be made aware of how hurtful they are being. I grew up in a Jewish community so I learned Holocaust early, but it seems to me it's time for your students to learn.

  5. might be some sort of ignorant version of "cowboys and indians", which i guess to white kids in afluent suburban neighborhoods could be looked upon as just as bad if you were a native american ,don't you think? I guess these kids probably know a very small reality of what n**i and jew actually mean to one another, I think most likely some silly kid was taught a quick history lesson by an older (ignorant) sibling and brought this new "game" to school. I dont know what position you hold but I would deffinetly put an end to a game that promotes hate.

  6. Yes it is. Seems to me, you need an object lesson.

    What I would do:

    1. Call your local synagogue.

    2. If you are in DC, call the Holocaust Museum and see if someone can come out and talk about it.

    3. Call the local VFW or American Legion. I'm guessing you might get some leads there.

    You need to bring it to the attention of the administration. You need to also have a game plan. If you get "poo-poo'd", then kick it up a notch. They are forming opinions and RIGHT NOW is the time to set them straight.

  7. Racially insensitive children, often have racially insensitive parents.

  8. The parents aren't racially insensitive,

    like someone said.

    This was before their parents time.

    Sounds like someone saw a movie

    about it.

    Too bad they can't see the pictures, and

    know the truth.

    I knew when I was in the second grade.

    There was a program on TV that I saw,

    and will never forget.

    Can there be an adult meeting of

    the minds, and then a program for the

    children to see?

  9. They just don't understand, once they learn about the Holocaust (in England pupils do, I don't know about the US) they'll probably be quite shocked. In the mean time, just break the game up or tell them that they shouldn't be playing it. It's only a matter of time before an angry parent comes to the school.

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