
Racism against darker people again!!!WHY???

by  |  earlier

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Hello,my boyfriend is from Mexico & i'm a light skinned Indian women.People assume i'm mexican,all the time.When mexican women find out i'm not Mexican,they are so rude to me.I can speak a bit of Spanish & they always ask him why he is not with a woman from a Spanish Speking country.I can not help the fact that I'm hot,size 4 with big b***s,caramel skin & green eyes.They even have called me Fea,Mierda,Tonta, Indio & others.Why must they be so racist???




  1. I never heard Spanish people being racist like that, usually they are very nice.

  2. I dunno. But if he dumps your ***.. come to Colombia :)

  3. I probably deal with adifferent type of mexicans. I'm mexican, my wife is too. We have lived in the U.S. for a while now and we have managed to create a group of friends with different origins.

    I have never ever heard from any mexican woman (including my family members) to express themselves with any kind of racial blur.

  4. They just have an prospective on how relationships should be.many people think whites should go with whites,blacks should go with blacks,and ect.Having a couple with 2 different ethnicity is great it makes the world so exotic.

  5. okay, i am going to break it down for you^^

    i lived in Chile and had to stay with a host family and they were uneducated, materialistic, jerks!

    i had lots of guys into me and obviously they were jealous and called me stuff like "fea" "idiota" "flaite(ghetto)"

    etc. but they hadn't even payed off their television!!!

    they couldn't talk about anything except "we are so rich and pretty"

    the first day i was in their house, they knew weeks ahead of time that i was coming and they hadn't even cleaned the room or made the bed of the room i was going to stay in(it looked like a closet!!!)

    they hadn't done one thing!!!

    and then they all ignored me!!!

    it was the strangest thing ever!

    also, the VERY FIRST DAY one of the girls i stayed with(16 years old!!!)told me these exact words "i'm popular, beautiful, and all of the guys love me"

    i swear!!!

    the family was so ******* dumb!!!

    anyways, they were jealous of me obviously.

    like i wore REAL Louis Vouitton(thousands of dollars)and i told them(i didn't notice what i was wearingXDXDXDi'm weird like that )and i'm like "oh wow! it's louis vouittonXD=0" and they got so mad!!!

    the parents said to me "OUR kids only wear the best like Chanel" (the kids didn't wear anything like Chanel since the parents were living on credit to look "rich" and anyways, Chanel is way cheap in comparison!)

    they honestly asked me one time "why do you have acne? why don't you get rid of it?" (as if i CHOOSE to have it!!!)

    they were a******s...

    and i later found out...

    almost everyone hated their gutsXDXDXDXD

    one daughter was a s**t

    the other was a spoiled, lazy brat who thought she could play basketball and ... the family SUCKED!!!

    their maid stole from me and **** as well!!!

    anyways, those were the uneducated losers.

    find some classy mexicans cuz i made great chilean friends

    and i've known two totally different guys from mexico...they came to my U.S. school last year.

    one is a lazy a*****e bum who won't even learn english

    one(he was an exchange student)was really funny and nice and interesting and intelligent/well-educatedXD

    so, those people are obviously just jealous of you!!!

    take care!!!=D

  6. they want you man

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