
Racism gone too far - UK?

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My mate always taking the mick out of indians, ok genrally its not very PC. But he now tells me he won't eat curry because its an indian dish.

This time he's gone too far he doesn't know what he is missing its classic english quisine, how can i make him eat a curry, the life blood of britain?




  1. Easy, give him a chicken korma with white rice and naan. Tell him it's chicken stroganoff, rice and a big pitta bread,tell him it's german, he will probably like that, he will eat it and like it, you will know he's eaten a curry, everyone's happy.

  2. that is really really sad that your friend thinks that ways. You would really have to challenge his mindset in order to get him to eat curry, since its about his attitude. What a stupid thing to do! Things like that make me so angry, I am glad you are not like your friend. Food is food.

  3. i hate racist people...:(

  4. Thats pretty racist LOL

  5. you want to make him eat a curry ???? prepare to be thumped . its his choice , right or wrong

  6. Did everyone miss the joke? Anyway, I always found it amusing that Curry was voted as the number one English dish...I believe Chinese food was also somewhere in the top 10.

  7. Tell him to watch BBC4

    Clarissa Dickson Wright tracks down Britain's oldest known cookbook - The Forme of Cury. This 700-year-old scroll was written during the reign of King Richard II from recipes created by his own master chefs.

  8. The life blood of Britain is fish n chips; curry is totally alien to British culture. Why in Mountbatten's name would you want to worry about your friend's preferences?

  9. Don't bother. I wouldn't call Indian cuisine (there's no such thing as curry) classical English/British cuisine, but you could make him a Chili con Carne using Scotch bonnet chilis and not warning him in advance. Don't forget WC paper and perhaps some Johnson's baby wipes!

  10. Don't bother! he really has lost the plot and quite frankly sounds way beyond help!

  11. i hate racist people. tell him to think what hes farekotjsipotgjdsioING saying

  12. Ummm...I DOnt Think Racism Is A good thing.....and If He doesnt eat it he will eventually starve is what I think...Well....Keep Trying!

  13. He's your mate. Think about what that makes you.

  14. I cant believe what a narrow minded individual he is!!!!!!

    Apart from great food, what a great service they give our pathetic nhs.

    And i can honestly say i wish some of us had there brains along with a fantastic attitude.


  15. Each to there own I suppose...he's not really hurting anyone but himself.

  16. Just remind your friend that if he goes far enough back his ancestors are most likely invaders to this country so he (or I for that matter) are as non native as anyone else.

    I can trace Danish Blood to my Family from the Vikings so that makes me 'unbritish' by his likening. most of this countries food comes from immigrant groups even pies are derived from the Huganot's/ the only truly british dish is Gruel (a sort of yeucky soup with everything in it).

    Also tell him that the British RAJ in india invented the curry (Curry is hindi for mixture) and brought it to the UK as a reminder of the style of spices they had in india - so if anything Curry is more English than Indian..

  17. Lets see hoe far he will take it. You know these days thers equality in the workplace!

    9/10 things he touches in a day, or eats in a day have been prepared/touched or handled at somepoint b someone with a different origon.

    Also, you could find something he really loves that comes from Asia or a country hes showing dislike to, and point out to him he still eats that.

  18. If he's really that much of an idiot why bother with him at all.

  19. It's his loss - he's a prat

  20. Your mate is a narrow minded individual. If he doesnt wanna eat it though thats his problem. You eat his instead! Everyones a winner!!!

  21. Remember an old 'friend' in Birmingham years ago - he visited an Indian restaurant - and the next day spent half of it on the toilet with serious runs. Since then, he has expressed his 'hate' for 'pakis'. Funny how racism can start, huh? I'd say yes to a Chinese dish no. 69, but that'd be sexism gone too far!

  22. Your mate is an ********.

  23. Tell him, that tecnically India is part of the commomwealth (in his mind probably still the empire). Eating Indian food is like eating Scottish food - an aquired taste, but certainly not less british than shepherds pie ..

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