I was blown away today. I really thought that so much has changed with the past few generations.
My daughters teacher pulled me aside today to let me know about an incident on the playground.
My daughter asked a little african american girl if she wanted to climb the dinosaur with her and the little girl replied with "No, I cant you are white and my mommy told me I cant be friends with white people."
My daughter apparently said "Ok....want to go on the slide instead?" and the little girl just walked away from her.
The teacher witnessed this happen and wanted to let me know about it before I heard it from my daughter. She also told me that my daughter isn't the only child that has been told this by this little girl and that she was going to take it up with the girls family.
YIKES...this is KINDERGARTEN. Why do people have to push off their prejudices on their children?!?
Later on, when I asked about her day she told me that a little girls mom didn't like her. My daughter didn't even register the color issue, she just thought that a mom of a little girl she was in school with doesn't like her.
Kids don't care about color, they care about fun and friends. Why do people have to ruin such innocence with their prejudices and ignorance?