
Racism in ireland? has anyone on here experienced this?

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im irish myself, but my boyf is of asian ancestory and i worry that he might experience racism here (he's coming to stay for a while soon) as ive seen it happen before and been witness to some of the attitudes of SOME irish people.

what u guys think about racism in ireland, do you think it exists?




  1. I think, that like everywhere else, there are people who don't like what they perceive as 'outsiders'.

    I have worked for an middle-aged couple in rural Ireland who regularly work with foreign nationals, and I have been very surprised at their attitude to people of African ancestry - they seem to think they're all degenerates, when they're not. I have pointed out to them that you get jerks, ignoramuses, juvenile deliquents and idiots in every shape and colour, but they don't seem to get it .... they're just so quick to assume that the African-Europeans are going to be the ones to cause trouble, so those are the ones they watch out for. It's very unfair for those kids who are NOT looking for trouble, and who do as they are asked, and who are exemplary in every way.

    So yes, I have to say that rascism exists in Ireland. But I wouldn't say that it's widespread, just in pockets in rural areas.

  2. Of course, racism exists everywhere, Irish people aren't immune. I would hope that there wouldn't be any problem I lived with an Indian guy for about a year in Kilkenny and he never experienced any racism while in Ireland but saying that there are ignorant people everywhere

  3. I visit Ireland every year and have stayed as long as six months at a time.  I usually stay near Shannon and have stayed in as small towns like Kilkishen.  I visit Tullamore every time I go.  I have been treated very well by the Irish.  To the point where every time I go I am remembered and invited in for tea anytime I am in town.  Now some people may say it is because in most areas I am the only Black person.  American Black.  But I have yet to find that many places in America that treat me as well as the Irish do.  It may be different for the African-European.  But I think it is not racism that spurs this I think it is more economic and because some of them do cheat people.   That is hard to take when you are trying to work and feed your family.  But again it is not as prevalent as in some other countries.  In Ireland they consider a lot of the African-Europeans, Asians, Indians, Pakistanis, and more who have made Ireland their home as the New Irish.  With some of them holding offices in the City Council like Ennis.

    I once gave a speech to the Irish Cultural Center here in America about the commons bonds that the Irish have with Black America.  If you know your history a lot of the Irish who came here as bond servants became the overseers of many plantations and did mingle with the slaves.  A lot of free men of color lived near the Irish in the bigger free states and yes there were a lot of marriages and relationships.  So a lot of Black Americans can trace their roots to an Irish relative.

    Also a lot of the racism remember is from younger people, or ignorant people who don't respect their history or heritage.

  4. There is racism in every country in the World unfortunately, Ireland is no exception.

    In Ireland, as someone said previously, is more rife among the older generation.

  5. Just an indication of the ignorance prevalent in the Irish society, An African Taxi driver called into a radio station (Newstalk)Breakfast show to highlight racist attacks on coloured drivers pointing out his own experience of been attacked by an irish passenger with a hammer and called a black b*****d. All through the show the lady show host trivialised the incident saying a violent racist incident like that does not indicate racism coupled with this is the failure of the police to prosecute. Another incident was a sitting judge in Navan saying Shops in Navan should be punished for allowing blacks to come into to shop although he later apologised.

    You better believe it! I live in England but I'm Irish, pure bred going back as far as you want. I married a coloured girl 25 years ago, she's not that coloured, plenty of Irish have suntans as dark. But my family disowned me for 15 years for marrying 'the black one'. Even today, my Mother refuses to recognize my kids as her grandchildren. I went back with my wife 10 years ago to my Fathers funeral, it was like stepping back 100 years to the deep south of America with the blatant racism. I still ring my Mother every week to see how she's keeping and it's like listening to a neo-n**i speech, all she ever goes on about is 'da immigrants', it's a national obsession.

    I never take my wife with me to Ireland now, it's just not worth putting her through the open and pernicious racism she has to endure. Would I move back to Ireland now, no, never, it would be like living in Aparthied era South Africa with it's increasing and more openly xenophobic racism.

  6. I think that while racism is everywhere, and ireland being no exception, if you look for it you'll find!!

    And for all you people giving out about any irish people being racist, I think what your seeing is resent for 800 years of being ruled by England!!!!! And we still haven't got the feckers out!!!!

  7. The Irish are not particularly racist

    Outside the cities, until recently most people & their extended  families who  lived in rural Ireland, lived in or were from one small area / region

    People tended not to move that far

    So it doesnt matter if you are from Ballinahinch or Bangladesh you will be treated the same

    ie not a local

    It helps if you are


    Speak to people


    get to know your neighbours

    Unfortuanetly not being able to recreate at least 200 years of living in area means that people from elsewhere will be at a disadvantage.

    But enjoy the experience, the Irish are generally friendly

  8. I've been to Ireland several times and have lived there for a bit and have found the Irish to be some of the friendliest people I've met.

  9. I don't live in Ireland, but my paternal grandmother was from county Cork.

    I have found the Irish even here in the USA do tend to be rather racist, at least that is true of my dad's family and other friends I have that are 100% Irish.

    I guess the saying that they are "the salt of the earth" has gone to their heads!!

  10. The Irish on the whole aren't racist.  However, some people are.  It's funny, I noticed the Irish are OK with other races, but may not be as fond of their friends from up North, lol.  Many of my friends have been refused entry into clubs because they were from the North of Ireland.  Also, I encountered some taxi drivers and publicans that had some nasty things to say about Northerners.  So, in conclusion, Asian people are welcome in Ireland and should have no problem with the majority of people.  In Dublin, many of my mates are African and East European, and they have no trouble in places.

  11. irish people have a different sense of humour to most other people and see nothing wrong with taking the p*ss out of someone... purely in a fun sense

    this might be considered racist in other countries but this type of banter is part of irish life

    provided your bf can give as good as he gets it shouldnt be a problem

  12. Personally I have never experienced racism here in Ireland, but I do know that it exists. It is unlikely that your boyfriend shall be a victim of racism , so he should come over regardless of what people think?

  13. No, It doesn't exist, It depends what part, In Dublin;  a little of scummy people but not much else where.

    He should come despite what people say or think.

  14. I think he'll be very unlucky to come across it as it's pretty laid back here.Remember the Irish know all about having to put up with racism so maybe we accept folk more easily.There are always a few who let us down though.

    My son works in Dublin and has a number of foreign work colleagues and they have been here a number of years now with no problems so far.

  15. I have seen very little racism here

    although you might get the few immature scanger types yelling stuff but I think that's as bad as it really gets

  16. He'll be fine so long as He isn't English.

  17. I think it does exist to an extent in certain places, but it's a lot better than it used to be - I don't think he'll have any problems, really. If he does, it will most likely take the form of immature boys attempting a Chinese accent to mock him or something like that.

  18. Ya irish people do tend to be a bit racist against asians and africans!!!! But its okay its usually a very small majority and if u ignore it u r okay

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