
Racism to Jewish Friend?

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My best friend at school is Jewish and he gets bullied by this gu who bags him about circumcision, about his religion, about his relatives who died in the holocaust. What should i do? I told the teacher, but he still goes on




  1. if its just ONE guy who isnt like a freaking body builder  get your jewish friend and some of your other friends to confront him /  threaten him / beat his @ss

  2. You should stand up for your Jewish friend and maybe get some other friends of yours to go with you, just to be on the safe side! And if that doesn't work out, then remind your friend that you're still there for him and that that guy who keeps bullying him is just a freakin' moron!

  3. Perhaps tell your friend to ignore them and that may help some as people who bully only have the upper hand if people let them do so. If there is no reaction often the bully loses interest.

    You can also try saying to the bully concerned that you are your mates best friend and will not tolerate the bully's behaviour - others might even join with you if you ask to make a show of strength against this guy and show him that bullying is not acceptable

    Perhaps your english teacher could introduce some material on the holocaust and other jewish stuff and discuss it in class to give the whole class a wider understanding of what happened and why and even link it to bullying - which hitler probably was  

  4. ignore ANYONE who says "ignore him"...theyre ignorant and dont know wth theyre saying...obviously you cant ignore it...

    but should just bash him...well give him a warning first...if he persists then go ahead and give him a good kick around, karate chop him in the adams apple...just do whatever to hurt sure hes got insecurities you can target...

  5. The guy who bullies your friend is an ignorant idiot. Your friend shouldn't take any notice of reatarded people like that. Actually you can tell your friend that for every one bigoted person like that guy, there are loads of decent people out there who respect him. And making fun of someone whose relatives died in the Holocaust is really really crazy and n**i-ish. Such a fact demands all the respect in the world.

    Some people have suggested physically harming the guy- personally I don't think that's a very civilised way of dealing with the matter. I support what another person said- perhaps your teacher could introduce some material about the Holocaust and other Jewish things, so that some people will learn to respect and appreciate the Jewish people.

  6. In today's world the teacher is obliged to do something but that will probably only earn you both some new names from the bully.  I guess you're just going to have to kick this idiot in the nuts as they don't seem to have enough of a brain to know when enough is enough.  Who knows, you might even become friends afterwards.

  7. Tell him to stop being a Jew anyone who claims to be Gods master race is a racist and deserves to have racial abuse. I don`t like racists and Jews are always bigots who believe people are inferior that is why they think they can steal land and murder children this viewpoint should be exposed for the evil it is

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