
Racism versus Prejudice?

by Guest58978  |  earlier

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What is the basic difference between racism and prejudice?




  1. Racism describes species of mammals

    Prejudice  is a legal term related to discrimination, wrongful favoring, etc.

  2. racism is holding a view in practice that can cause discrimination like preventing someone from advancing in life, getting a job, a loan  or a position. Prejudice is forming an opinion beforehand without having knowledge of the facts.

  3. Racism is hate of another ethnic group.

    Prejudice is having a preconceived (negative) idea about another group, not necesarily ethnic.  (i.e. the poor, bikers, inmates, morbidly obese)

  4. Racism implies some sort of power. One can be prejudiced, but, unless he/she is able to subvert the targeted group, it will not qualify as racism.

  5. Prejudice is pre judging others, in particular based on group membership criteria.

    Racism, would be a subset of Prejudice, as people are defined by racial group membership, obvious physical characteristics.  The key is that racism is an extension in which people are treated differentially, in particular badly, based on that racial group membership.

  6. Actually salah-udeen comes closest but you have it in reverse my friend. Racism refers to a preconceived idea, notion or bias against a racial or ethnic group based on phenotypical and/or cultural differences. Prejudice refers to acting on feelings of racism, for example, apartheid, Jim Crow.

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