
Racism... your opinion?

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Racism... your opinion?




  1. it will forever exist as long as there are people who do not understand that everyone is different.

  2. It's for power hungry humans who think everyone different from them is inferior.

    There isn't much to do but ignore it. =(

  3. Racism. It's a big deal. But i do have to admit i do also, can be racist sometimes, but it's just because they make us want to.

  4. we live in an overly sensative time.  people are afraid to speak their minds for fear of being labelled a "racist" I thouhgt for years I was a racist, then I realised it really has nothing to do with the race itself, but the culture prevalent within that group.  I live in California, I have alot of a great mexican friends, but for the most part, I detest the mexican population around here, The vast majority of them here are under-educated gangbanging scum.  Does that make me a racist? The thing is, it doesn't matter where you go, there will be a bad element, and chances are they will fit squarelyt into a racial demographic. If you live in the south, it might be black, here on the west coast, usually asian or mexican, in the midwest it's often "white trash" for a long time in new england the irish were considered pretty scummy . . . it's all about the representation of that demographic in that area . . . if you don't like the way ou're portrayed in your area, fix it, fight the stereotypes instead of re-enforcing them!

  5. the answer to this is yes it is very wrong, yet we all (humans) are racist to some degree. its who we are. all we can do is try to work together and hide our differences. i do fly the start and bars. i am a member of the sons of conferacy. this does not make me a racist. i just enjoy learning about my history and its who i am.

  6. i think that people who are that thick

    to find racism neccesary

    are well umm THICK

  7. Most people who are racist just base their argument on stereotype and don't really know anything about the race or culture....... Its pretty pathetic really

  8. stereotypes and ignorance...fear of the unknown

  9. Everybody is guilty of it. Even the orange people.

  10. Happening right now- Obama is brilliant ! I bet my life if he was whote there wouldnt be any of this nonsense going on.

  11. Well, I do not like Pittsburg or anyone that does. I am very sorry that we can not all be from Texas. :)

  12. its very wrong and very controversial and alot of people do it instinctively not even knowing

  13. umm its wrong

  14. I don't know why people are racist, we're all the same.  We all have arms and legs and hearts and emotions, how could anyone be racist?

  15. I think racism is the biggest turn off and comes off as ignorance.

  16. Whatever colour you are, you can receive racism and give out racism, so racism works both ways, so basically, who cares about racism,  racists are idiots caused by an ugly childhood, and need to express there anger, usually from there dad going to prison when they were 12 for handling stolen goods or posession of cocaine =]

  17. Racism is a natural reaction from the beginning of time, it kept tribes within their own communities, it was considered an offense to stray into other tribe's ground, or associate with the individuals not of your own tribe. Today is a different set up since these barriers are no longer there, laws are made to combat racism, but if you look at it you will see that the worst offenders are the folks the laws have been put in place to protect.

  18. everybody is the same and nobody should be teased because of theyre colour or race.


  19. Racism is wrong and cruel but sometimes i dont think a majority of people realize they are being rasist.  I also think that racism is directed towards blacks and east indians more than it is white people. (i may have been slighlty rasist there without realizing it!!).  Nothing will change anytime soon though, look how long it took people  to get over racism after slavery.

  20. alive and well everywhere and people who say they aren't are full of s**t

  21. Most people are going to say racism is wrong. And I agree. However although being from a race that has been prone to its fair share of racist comments, racism itself can not be seen as idiocy. Racism itself stems from predjudice and being prejudist is natural to all humans. All humans in some way are prejudist. Granted some may me more than others and make take it to the extreme, but racism usually ocurs due perfectly understandable reasons, e.g. background, social acceptance, media and of course certain instances involving a specific race, e.g. the terroist attacks on the twin towers. Of course we should strive to create a world exempt from racial abuse, yet we should not think we are necessarily "better" than those who are "racists".

  22. i think people can be racist without realising it and that they don't mean to be its just built up in them and they don't know any better. It's obviously wrong and we need to break the stereotypes.

  23. It's caused by people who don't understand the other race.

    Not understanding something brings about in human nature the need to put down or make inferior that which it doesn't understand.( in a large majority anyways)

  24. I don't have problems personally with it. I have black friends, mexican friends, jewish friends and on and on.

    Just because someones skin color is different doesn't mean a thing. We actually call each other ******, cracker, spick just for fun LOL. We just laugh about it.

    People that focus on skin color are pathetic and not worth my time.

  25. i think it is wrong but of course there are still some people who are racist. its how you are raised and unfortunately i don't think there is anything that can change that.

  26. i think if you hate someone based on their race it's racism. I do not think it's racist if say your a op right and you working and all you seem to pull over in cars is foreigners or women drivers? is that being prejudice OR is it the truth from your experience?

  27. it's ignorance and it's wrong.

  28. there racism against almost everyone even whites

  29. its wrong but what i dont understand is the british national party (a racist party against all of thoes of non white origin) is trying to get muslims to support them!?!?!?

  30. there's a fine line between racism and stereotypes

  31. You need to give people a chance to prove these things wrong on their own without govrment help. Other wise racists pigs say "yeah, he got the job over me, because of affirmative action"

    so that only hurts blacks...

    just one example.

    Don't make racist laws, and don't make laws to change the way people think. Just punish them if they do crimes.

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