
Racist Ireland?

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I have noticed that the Irish can be very racist. A friend of mine came back from Dublin and said he heard the "n" word more than he had ever heard it in apartheid South Africa. Has anyone else experienced this irish racism? Irish people, is this a true reflection of Irish society or just a misperception?




  1. Go to Scotland & see how Racist the Scottish are to the English.

  2. I'm Irish and have friends of loads of nationalities and don't think the Irish are racist at all. I think they are nearly as much foreigners in Ireland as Irish people!!

    He might have been listening to the wrong crowd!!!!

  3. racist are going to exist everywhere you go . alot of the time even when it is not an issue of race we as "offended" people try to make it one

  4. yea, but by calling the irish racist you are in fact being racist towards a 'race' yourself.. do YOU not get that ? The first answerer is correct. Thats why 'racism' is so hard to define.

    And what IDIOTS  gave 2 thumbs down to the person who said that ireland is not in the UK? It isn't in the UK.....? Do you Brits have a hard time dealing with facts? Oh sorry is that racist ..wha ha ha

  5. to the person who answered the third question ireland isnt in the uk duhhhhhhhhh

    and i know what you mean im irish there are a lot of people who are really racist but most of us are welcoming probably happy any1 comes to our shithole of a country

  6. People in the UK, whether it be Ireland,England, Scotland  or Wales, are very "opinionated"

  7. i dont care i love the irish

  8. why are you being racist towards ireland?

  9. Ireland is NOT PART OF THE UK

  10. the people in Ireland have been very insular for years. they have had a poor economy and nobody really wanted to live there. however since the Celtic tiger Ireland is booming, lots of work and money for all. this has obviously attracted immigrants from all over the world and some folk do not like mixing with other cultures. i would say they are no more racist than any other European country, and my experience of Irish people is good, they are very open minded and great company.

    edit, just for you who have difficulty with facts, northern ireland is part of britain, southern ireland is not. easy is'nt it.

  11. No not all us ppl in Ireland are racist some blacks are racist againist whites blacks against black asians against asians it does not matter we all have the same blood running through our bodies..... if you cut ppl open you will notice that, some ppl are to pc now adays they take everything to heart...

    wheather its black calling blacks ni*****

    blacks calling white cracker

    whites calling asains p*****

    we all have the same blood in our bodies it not gonna change until you want it too

  12. ok mj, speaking as an irish person, i have to agree with u, kids in particular here are touting the n word everywhere, and its disgraceful, but i think its more ignorance than blatant racism.

    its also not just an irish problem but a worldwide prob, and im geting worried about the amount of rap artists using the word in videos etc, and i think thats maybe contributing to the prob,

    after all "the irish are the blacks of europe and dubliners are the blacks of ireland,and the northside dubliners are the blacks of dublin", to boldly and badly quote from the commitments!

  13. As fa as thee N word is using it is used in Ireland and all parts of the earth it be also heard.

    The people who hear it can can mind you be a looken for it ta be said

    What ever ya be a looken ya will find be a finden that be you can be certin on that

    Proof when ya buys a new car the model ya had has always been BMW but now ya have Nissan

    Now all you see is all the Nissans on the road ya never seen before

  14. The last time I visited Dublin I never met an Irish person they were all east european or asian.

    The Northern Ireland people are much nicer and better mannered than those from the lower part.
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