
Racist Quote?

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I'm doing a project on Rosa Parks. I need a racist quote against black people because it has to be set in 1955 so blacks and whites hated eachother.




  1. You best git to the back of the bus boy!

  2. not all blacks and whites hated each other in 1955.  some whites worked with blacks for civil rights.  hate isn't correct really either.  you need to do more research.

  3. I like the quote from Rosa Parks in response to the bus driver who asked her to move to the back of the bus and threatened to call the cops when she refused:

    "Go ahead and call them."

    Quietly Refused to Move

    On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks had a particularly tiring day. She was employed as a seamstress at the Montgomery Fair department store, and she had spent the day pressing numerous pairs of pants. She has since admitted that her back and shoulders ached terribly that day--she was forty-two at the time--and she deliberately let one full bus pass in order to find a seat on the next one. The seat she eventually found was in the middle section of the bus, because the back was filled. A few stops further down the line, a white man got on and demanded a seat. The driver ordered Parks and three other black customers to move. The other riders did as they were told, but Parks quietly refused to give up her place. The driver threatened to call the police. Parks said: "Go ahead and call them."
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