
Racist candidate?

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Is it just my imagination or does it seem that all thoses screaming about Obama being a racist were curiously silent about the racist policies of other candidates and Presidents? I mean, where was all this protest when Bush dragged his feet to help Katrina victims?




  1. “Racist” is a term that seems to change depending on who uses it. I find no candidate to be “racist” in the prejudicial use of the term.

    As to the Bush administration lagging on Katrina, well, no question that FEMA was unprepared, but if you know how the government works, you would know that the real people who dropped the ball were The Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin, an African American, and the Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, a female. The US government gives states sovereignty. The federal government cannot step in until the requests come from the states. Nagin wasted time declaring a disaster, as did Blanco, this delayed FEMA by days before they could be mobilized..but once they were, they too dropped the ball. It had nothing to do with racism, just plain incompetence at all levels from Nagin on up.

  2. Not all Katrina victims were black, so I partially consider you a racist for implying that they were.

  3. Yes , you are imaging things .   None of these politicians are going to give you anything .

           You can't wait for the government to fix your problems .  We need to teach the children how to do the right things instead of the wrong things and not to expect some one else to fix our problems.

  4. By LAW, FEMA cannot act until requested by the State Governor. if you are looking for foot dragging....

    FEMA assets were in place and ready to work...based on New Orleans published evacuation plan, cc'd to FEMA.

    New Orleans' Mayor did not FOLLOW his own plan, causing FEMA assets to be inadequate, poorly positioned and when the call from the Governor FINALLY came, it was too little and too late for too many.

    Nobody get's off the hook on THAT mess. Bush should have been insisting that the State get off it's butt and make a decision.

    The governor should not have been in denial followed by panic.

    The mayor should not have still been receiving tourist flights during his "on again-off again" ( not following his own procedures) "evacuation"

    The head of FEMA should have been able to anticipate the general incompetence of the City and State response and brought more resources to bear.

  5. It is your imagination, Obama is constantly playing the race card in very subtle ways that most people miss because they aren't paying attention.  Either race matters or it doesn't and Sen. Obama wants to have it both ways.  He tries to speak out of both sides of his mouth and the media-fueled halo that surrounds him is certain to dim as people realize he brings nothing new or valuable to America's political discourse.

    And dittos for Bob W and Death, you can't blame Bush for Katrina.

  6. Whats funny is how so many people in this country are still racist, and wont admit it.

    Todays generation of republicans like to use fear, like the n**i party did to reap what they want from the populace. So they will use anything they can to win, racism is not out of bounds to them... its fair game.

  7. I heard alot of protest, but he was not the only one at fault for the aftermath of Katrina, the local and state government totally failed as well.  The only race baiting tactics I see every election cycle alway from from the left-wing, funny how the right-wing gets called racist at every turn. hmm

  8. Obama and McCain are both racist bigots. They both stand by Israel 100% the only country left in the world which can still openly build racial colonies. Israel demolishes homes of civilians to set up racial settlements for Jews and Jews only. Thats racism but the big boogie man fear of Isalm somehow makes it OK. Its "defense" to murder people's children for the chosen race of god. Its religious racism and Obama supports it because of the money and because he like McCain is an idiot.

    Bush dragged his feet on Katrina because the congress was attaching to the releif bill an bill aobut the Real ID act which has Nothing to do with hurricane relief yet it passed because voting against it would make it look like you opposed disaster relief. And thats the real story.

    Obama and McCain are both establishment candidate there will be no change and no difference.
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