
Racist experience living in japan?

by Guest59242  |  earlier

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i was wondering for those that are foreigners living in japan whats your thoughts on racism in japan? is it worser then the America's? or is there not much racism there? I've heard stories of Japaneses being racist again people of Korean decent is this true?

oh and im asking this because im thinking about living in japan when i get older ...maybe

o and Japaneses may also answer this.




  1. theres rascism everywhere

  2. im half Japanese half Mexican. Most people dont care in japan

    lol why so hard too believe its possible!

  3. There is no racism in Japan - the only thing j**s aren't fond of is driving the speed limit.

  4. there's no racism in japan

    i have taken my american friend to japan and they treated her normally the only thing different was was that they talked in english for her

  5. worser?


    Using the word Japaneses is ignorant, and could be perceived as racist.

    "People of Japanese decent may also answer this" would have been better.

    As far as I have heard, the Japanese are a very polite, and only tend to feud, as you said with parts of Korea and China.  China is taking a lot of Japanese jobs right now and it causing economic problems as a result.  

  6. Racism exists everywhere in the world. I live in U.S.  When I was living in smaller town, there was a man who apparently didn't like any Asians.  He clearly had a different attitude toward me compare to his towards other white people.  Anyway, Japanese people in general are more open toward foreigners than you think.  You shouldn't worry anything about that.  By the way, I am Japanese and I have a lot of Korean friends in Japan.  Some people get angry at certain race, just because they come to Japan to do bad things.  Yes, this is true.  These people come to Japan in groups to commit crimes, and some Japanese people might have said that they didn't like these people, but this was not a racism, don't you think?  These bad people happen to be from certain country, but other ordinary people in their country may be nice and friendly.  So, if you ever heard of such rumors about Japanese being racist, it is just wrong thing to believe.  No one can say that there is no racism around you, but you should not be afraid of it.  

  7. There's some racism in Japan, but the situation is way better than in the US or Europe.

  8. Koreans born in Japan aren't given citizenship. Anyone who isn't born of Japanese parents are always looked at as a gaijin.

      I would say it's worse in the US. People aren't killed because of their skin color in Japan.

  9. the Japanese are brought up to be polite.the younger generation seems to be fascinated with foreigners.the older generation though still has problems with foreigners but it's not as bad as it used to be,there's still places that are meant for only people of Japan to go there but most of it is open.and if everyone's rascist  there than nobody told my bf that,so they're very polite over there

  10. Yes there is racism in Japan but it is kind of hard to describe. Some places do not allow foreigners some apartments don't rent to them. This is perfectly legal and accepted. So in this way it is more racist than in some other parts of the world. A foreign person no matter how long they live in Japan will never be treated equally.

    Most Japanese don't mean any harm and are just curious about foriegners. They may tend to stare or listen in on your conversations while you are talking to others on a train or in a cafe because they want to practice their English and see how much they can understand. No Malice is meant by these acts but it is still a kind of racism I suppose.

    So yes racism exists rampantly in Japan but it is not violent or abusive in nature. I do feel Asians especially Korean and Chinese are looked down on the most though. If you visit Japan though you will be treated well. People may say things behind your back though. Especially if you appear like a typical gaijin with a back pack and you nod your head at every other gaijin you walk past. Many Japanese think that is kind of strange and funny.

  11. 2-channel, the world's largest forum from Japan, is nothing but a bastion of racism against Koreans in Japan, so it seems to me.

    All the people there vent their frustrations by verbally attacking Koreans. Posters there have one thing in common in that they like to associate every felony committed in Japan with Koreans. When something happens, the typical first reaction is to ask if the perpetrator is of Korean decent.


  12. Same old same old.

    Their is relitivly no racism in Japan, but that is because they are all Japanese...

    Their are some Japanese that hate foreiners(moslty Americans) from wars or obnoxious behaivior.

    Their are some Japanese that hate Koreans.(because of kidnappings etc)

    but overall, Japanese are polite and hold little racist feeling, although they do tend to steryotype, wich my come off as racisim, but it is without bad intentions.(Americans have blond hair and are tall loud, obnoxious and confident etc)

  13. Well let me tell you this much.

    Some apartment advertisements say "No dogs or foreigners allowed."

  14. The racism in Japan is kind of unique. Its more of a xenophobia. They don't have a large history of different ethnicities living together. Although there is discrimination against Ainu (indigenous peoples of Japan).

    I think its harder on ethnic Asians from Korea or China because they would be accepted at a glance but the minute they show they are not Japanese the treatment could become a 180 on them. Its the same for the Ainu, in the past it was so bad that people would hide their ancestry and because of that their culture is disappearing. But in recent times Ainu youth have been embracing their heritage.

    Basically if you don't look Japanese you will be treated differently but not blatant racism like in the USA. And if you are discriminated against its immediate instead of after the fact. And its more of because you're not Japanese, not because of your ethnic class in particular. Its getting better in recent times since the younger generation is more exposed to worldly ideas and different people (city that is).

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