
Radar detectors and jammers... do they work?

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im thinking of purchasing a police radar detector and jammer(if even possible) to make it to where i will never get a speeding ticket... has anyone ever had one and know if they really work as good as they say they do? also some of my buddies tell me they are a manufacturer that sells them that offers a plan to where if u do get a ticket while using their product they will pay for ur ticket... is that true? im sort of spectacle because i tryed shopping for them on my own and i seen how they would list out what all things they pick up but i dont know what the police use around here so i cant go by that... i just need something that will guarantee i wont get caught for speeding ever again




  1. If they shoot you with a laser,it won`t matter if you have a detector,Jammers are worhtless,  

  2. Jammers are flat-out illegal.  ECM Jammers white-out a radar device by sending out garbled radio signals in the same frequency as the radar gun, and only the military and government agencies are allowed to possess and use such active emitters of RF noise.

    If a cop detects that you have an actively-emitting jammer in your car, they can pull you over and summonse you for possessing an illegal device that violates a dozen different FCC radio broadcast rules--  You don't even need to be speeding.

    Radar detectors on the other hand are passive devices--  They don't emit a radio signal so the cops can't tell if you have one or not, unless they pull you over for speeding and sees a detector mounted in your car.  So most people can get away with using a radar detector.

    The only way to radar-proof your car is to decrease its radar cross-section (how big your car appears on a radar scope).  That can only be done if you know how to modify your car's exterior to a precise faceted shape (like the F-117 Stealth Fighter) to scatter radar signals so a cop's radar gun won't get a radar return, cover the exterior with radar-absorbent material, and cover the car's glass with a radar-deflecting coating so radar won't get a return off the interior of your car.  The cost of doing this of course would be equal to about 10,000 speeding tickets.  :-D

  3. Hey, we're supposed to be cutting down on emissions and trying to save the planet. Try driving at the legal limit and stop that stupid habit you have of revving the motor every chance you get.

  4. I don't have any past exp. with jammers, but radar scanners work like a charm. They'll let you know when a cop car enters the radar's range, and then it's up to you to slow the **** down.

    I don't think the "Our company will pay for your ticket" thing is real though. Sorry.

  5. There are many different types of detectors and jammers.  Yes some do work well, and others not one bit, even when costing 100's.  The most effective, and agressive system I have seen is a jammer, which mounts at front and rear license plates areas.  It will let you know when someone radars you, as well as jam it by flickering different numbers repeatedly. These cost somewhere in the $1000 to $1500 range.

    One thing to watch for is legality.  Some states dont allow it, and even though you can order it, install it, maybe one day youll meet the angry cop with a bad day, and h**l inspect your car and impound it.  Highly unlikely, but possible.

    Otherwise the popular choice is the Valentine 1 I believe.  I have "heard" of lots of stories where it works well.

    Always remember to ask for the paperwork, the last time the radar, or laser was calibrated.  Needs to be done every couple months I believe.  Also make sure to see the read out on the gun itself.  Ask them to bring it and show you the red l.e.d. readout.  These are things where you can walk right out the door, if someone forgotten to do there job at the station.

  6. For the very best detector sold you'll have to buy direct -- Valentine 1 is probably the next best thing to diplomatic immunity you can have in your car. as for jammers, well, they're allowed to be sold in America mainly becvause they simply don't work. Car & Driver magazine did an exhaustive test on several brands of jammers and not one of them worked at all. The V1 will set you back about $400 but will pay for itself a hundred times over.

  7. the only way to guarantee that you won't get caught speeding again is to STOP SPEEDING that having been said a detector can absolutely help you to avoid getting caught but it requires your attentiveness and action and is not foolproof, as far as jammers are concerned I seriously doubt that most of them are of any real use, and any that were would be outlawed immediately  

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