
Radar detectors? are they worth the money? i mean will they actaully save me from getting caught speeding?

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please. people with personal experience only.




  1. They can, but they are not perfect.

    They will only pick up the signal if the radar is being used. Most the time a cop is sitting at a speed trap, they aren't actually using the radar. They are waiting for a car to come, then when they see the car, they turn the radar on. So in that situation, the radar will go off, but at that point they already have your speed.

    It is most effective on the freeway. If there is traffic, they will be radaring all the cars in front of you, and that will allow you to slow down. It will also help with cop cars that are equipped with all time radar, but that isn't a standard feature as far as I know.

  2. Yes, radar detectors are worth the money, if you spend enough. Radar detector prices range from below $50 (complete junk and waste of money) to over $500 (the best available). If you can't afford at least $150, you are looking at a cheap radar detector. Don't waste your money.

    The best radar detectors can detect police radar at over 11 miles from the speed trap! The best radar detectors are also very effective at detecting instant-on and POP radar (a concern mentioned by a previous poster.) The Beltronics STi Driver (and new STi-R Remote) are both 100% invisible to ALL police radar detector detectors (RDD), in case radar detectors are 'unpopular' where you live. Cheap radar detectors do not provide this level of technical sophistication and are a waste of money.

    If you are concerned about police laser (used more and more these days), your need a laser jammer, which jams the police laser gun, allowing you time to adjust your speed if necessary. Like radar detectors, laser jammers are also LEGAL in nearly every state.

    But, as the previous poster mentioned, nothing is guaranteed. The police can use other, less obvious methods to measure your speed. For instance, an undercover police car can follow behind you (pace your vehicle) to measure your speed. Another method they can use is VASCAR, where your vehicle's speed is measured from an airplane or helicopter, and waiting ground officers are notified if you are speeding. Of course, VASCAR is useless at night (so far).

    I use a Bel STi Driver combined with the Blinder M45 X-Treme Laser Jammer. I have never had a speeding ticket with these devices installed. (I had one speeding ticket before I installed these devices.) I have picked up dozens of radar signals and blocked several lasers. I keep both devices hidden in my sun visors, and that also keeps the Bel STi up high where it can pick up signals from further away.

    In a perfect world, no one would ever make mistakes and we would never go over the speed limit. However, it's good to have a radar detector and/or laser jammer as a reminder to watch your speed as you're going down the highway.

  3. maybe but if you obey the speed limit you can save heaps, no detector and no fine hence no cost.   do the right thing.  in oz there is a saying  "speed kills" or "it is better to arrive than to be dead on time" and this doesn't just refer to the driver but to others that may be involved if you have a accident.   don't buy one, save the money it's a lot cheaper.

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