
Radical Islam gains ground in campuses- what ever happened to intergration?

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The YouGov survey found that 32 per cent of Muslim students polled said killing in the name of religion was justified, compared to 2 per cent of non-Muslims. A third of those polled said they supported a worldwide Islamic caliphate, or government, and more than half - 54 per cent - supported the idea of having their own political party at Westminster. Just under a quarter did not believe men and women were equal in the eyes of Allah, while 25 per cent said they had little or no respect for homosexuals.

Why is nothing being done to defend the liberal values of the UK?




  1. The madmen who allowed a 2,000,000 Muslim community to migrate from failed Islam to the UK are  ruining the UK

  2. Ah yeah, let's target the Muslim's again eh?! Why is it people like you always give figures like that? I'm sure 25% plus of non-Muslims have no respect for homosexuals too.  There's right and wrong  every social group.

  3. Please give us a break, get a life losssssssssssssser. join the ugly hate club in America.

    your type of people are well know for their hate for

    1- blacks






    7- china



    10-japan campus

    11-new immigrant

    12-new refugee

    13-illegal people

    ...and i can go on and on

    listen to me ..people have the right to speak .

    respect their voice,their belief..this is USA

    Muslims and Arab do not give a **** about what you will do. because you are a big white losssssssssssssssser.

    this country has laws...

    you miss with them could end up in jail for an ugly crime.

    go get a life lossssssssssssssser.

  4. Because of this pathetic yellow bellied goverment thats why! Suprised you had to ask that one?

  5. It is happening over here in the US as well.  This is the direct result of political correctness run amok.  This is a problem that should be nipped in the bud while it can still be dealt with effectively, but no one is allowed to stand up to the Muslims who believe this nonsense.  If you do, you risk being labeled a bigot and hatemonger.  The people who are allowing this to happen will come to regret it one day because like a disease, it will fester and grow until it is a problem that is out of hand.

  6. There we go with sabbath day ideology with its finest print to smear his or her own flagship u came too late please let the establishment seek their own solution whilst there is mechanism funds set by institutions for their so called disconstruction at the community; with this so called foolishness whilst your statistics could only work for media imprint to sell for fragile.

    Tell me your main agenda. This not healthy rather another way for you to play to ignorance to justified motive.

  7. Never was any.

  8. You may be interested in this woman's story and activism.  Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

    A humanitarian and in opposition to multiculturalism.  And a woman seeking to reform Islam.

    What people don't understand is there is difference between diversity and multiculturalism.  I suppose I should feel sorry for the people that cry "racism" when people speak out against multiculturalism, they don't understand.  Diversity with regards to ethnic background, no problem.  But when people expect special privileges, and people turn a blind eye toward cultural differences, while those differences undermine the values of society, there is a big problem.  See, people see an opposition to inhumane cultural differences and cry racism.  Race has nothing to do with it, it is a happenstance.  Being in opposition to a caliphate is the right course.  Being in opposition to honor killings is the right course.  It has nothing to do with racism (as if Islam was a race, to begin with) But it has everything to do with individual human rights.

  9. hey you let them in live with it,

  10. We cant spend all our time defending homosexuality - which is frowned upon in religious texts from thousands of years,

    We cant force people to accept what is against their religious upbringing. If we want to counter Islam, surely we should have something of equal morality to replace it. Our homosexual, promiscuous, alcohol fuelled culture seems to offer them little by way of an example.

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