
Radical Thoughts....?

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one of reg's brought something up the other day....he thought that education K-12 should be separate for the s*x's. Which is a pretty radical idea...coming from an other wise pretty politically moderate man.

I've always thought that people should NOT get married until at least after 21 maybe even 25...never ever at 18.

Also like the idea of bringing back the testing for voting....dont think it people should have say in something they have no clue about....(cough cough 70% of recent college grads, cant point Iraq out on a map)

So I wonder does everyone have at least a few 'radical" ideas?

Anyway....I've given you my radical thoughts....What are yours?




  1. You need a license to drive a car but not to raise a child which is infinitely more difficult. Wouldn't it be nice if we could find a way to qualify peoples ability to raise children and possibly put a stop to the reproduction of generation after generation of worthless people who are nothing more than a waste of oxygen?  Yikes....too radical?

  2. People mature at different rates, I got married at 18 which was right for me.

    My radical ideas...I think sterlilzation should be easier to access. How come if I wanted an abortion (hypothetically) at 14 I could just go and have one, yet as a married businesswoman in my twenties I have to be cross examined practically and fnd a doctor willing to sterlilze me.

  3. I agree that there should be a test before you're allowed to vote. Makes sense. I know that only an elite few would pass, but those elite few would improve the lives of everyone, I believe.

  4. America should deport all those illegals back to Mexico and up the border protection.  The ones that are born here, making them citizens, can stay.

    If they are babies then the baby is going to be put up for adoption.  If the parents want to have the baby then they better become citizens and pay all back taxes.

    You want to make people realize that just because they work and they were taught that they are needed and no American would do their job....that that was all lies.

    This may make America mean in the eyes of some people, but it will give America the lift it needs to get up off the dirty ground where the American dollar has fallen and start to rise up.  

    Americans can do those same jobs.  The fact that people wanted themselves to be useful is the only reason that lie was spread that Americans wouldn't do those jobs.

    It's time to clean up.

    People want to come here then do it right.  EU has strict rules on who can enter and be citizens and people don't give them trash about their strict rules, America should do the same.

    There is no revolving door here. Shouldn't be.

  5. yes you are right---no body should be allowed to marry brfore 18 yrs of age. rather   I will add one should marry only when he/she starts earning.

                 one should be at least high school for voting

    more to add  those who stand for election  to fightshould be at least law graduate graduate. in  some countries there were many education ministers who could not read or write --they put simply thumb impression on the paper.

  6. I don't think people should even consider getting married before 30. I wouldn't legislate anything to this end, it's just my opinion.

  7. Mandatory 3 hour work breaks for s*x on Wednesdays and no one is allowed to point out Iraq on a map.

    But for the most part, I don't believe in tyranny and people telling others what they should do... just stick to the 'mala per se' issues.

  8. lol do you really wanna open this can of worms?

    first off i think the legal age for marriage at least should be dropped to around 16... along with most everything else... the way i see it if you can be liscensed to control a two ton rolling death trap at that age... why not everything else.

    i think that a drivers liscense should require an i.q. test and psychological profile... its more dangerous than a gun, a knife or anything else that immediately comes to mind.

    i think visectemys should be performed at birth and registered for reversal upon choice after the age of 16. kinda solves the abortion issue for the most part because you could still have s*x, but only have kids if you chose to. etc...

    if we start sending immigrants back to where they came from.... then i vote everyne goes home but the native americans.

    legalize all drugs. and regulate them like alchohol. alchohol is worse than most other stuff anyway, and if drunks can walk into some sleazy bar and get away with it then i dont wanna hear about potheads and crackheads goin to jail for doin it in their house.

    clothing should be optional everywhere.

    government officials shouldnt be allowed to disclose their religious beleifs to the public.

    each state should have a public vote on all existing laws at least once per decade, so that each generation has a say in what is going to be legal for them.

    all marriage should be legal

    all religious references should be taken out of politics, court houses, lawmaking, etc...

    all hotels with a gideon bible should also come with the following.

    the tao te ching




    some type of grimoire


    i could go on for a while but lets face it, i'm weird

  9. Radical idea?  Most homes that are not single-parent should have one parent home with their children at ALL times (I work M-Th, my husband works F-Su; my dad worked days, my mom graveyard shifts).

  10. Limit peoples TV and video game time and actually make people use their brains.

  11. Abortion should be the choice of the COUPLE.. not just the woman. If one person wants the baby, then she has to have it. PERIOD.

    I think that's fair, but some think its radical. I say, women know the risks when they have s*x. She has the right to choose to lose her legs IMO.

  12. well, no offense Rose, but two of your three ideas are really just pushing your views on others. for example, while i wasn't ready to get married at 18, there are probably plenty out there who are.

    also, a test to vote? oh, come on. if they fail the test, can they also take a test that allows them to not pay taxes since they have no say in their country? BTW, you can know the issues without knowing where Iraq is on the map. some people are poor map readers.

    i DO agree with separation of students, but how like Ryan learning style and also by reading level, etc.

    my radical idea? that health care should be free, at least for children. if health care could at least be affordable for average people like me, i would be ecstatic. it really sucks not being able to go to the doctor when you're sick.

  13. I don't think it should be by s*x, but by learning style: visual, audio, or tactile.

  14. your thoughts are interesting, how ever it would be like stepping back in time.

    but i do have some things to add to your thoughts.

    welfare should be short termed and limited. we make it to easy for anyone just to sit back and draw a pay check, even if it is a little one. by short termed i'm thinking maybe 3 months or less a year and by limited maybe only covering just the rent and current utilities, nothing else.

    also if you are having child after child on the state that you live in then after the 2nd baby you should be given a choice, tie your tubes or be cut off the state insurance at that point.

  15. "I've always thought that people should NOT get married until at least after 21 maybe even 25...never ever at 18.

    Also like the idea of bringing back the testing for voting....dont think it people should have say in something they have no clue about." - Agreed 100 %.

    My radical thoughts:

    1. Every man should get his DNA test completed after each of his kids is born.

    2. Every would-be couple should get themselves tested for medical conditions before there wedding, and that should be a prerequisite.
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