
Radical environmentalist? Why do some people lie and claim that they?

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Don’t exist? Is the truth of their actions too shameful to publicly admit so you just sneak and fund them quietly hoping that normal people will never find out?




  1. If people deny their existence, then they're obviously wrong, but I haven't heard of this happening. Most environmentalists don't go to the extremes that radicals do, but since the radicals create far more news-worthy material, that's what you hear about. It's important to remember that radicals exist on every front, and those who prefer the middle ground often ARE shamed by the actions of like-minded individuals who simply go to far.

    It's not just environmentalism that creates extremists, not by a long shot.  

  2. I don't deny that they exist, I just don't think they represent the majority of environmentalist. I would never go out and bomb or burn something that is absolutly contrary to my beliefs. Once a resource is aquired it is unthinkable for me to waste it, even to make a point. I think the radicals distract from the good that needs to be done.

  3. For some any means is justified by the end.  Even Hitler thought that.  

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