
Radio Host Michael Savage plays Dead Kennedys song! Is This Mean?

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Following the announcement that Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, nationally syndicated Radio Michael Savage played audio of Kennedy singing “Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes"

It one point in the program, he told a caller, "You know I'm playing the Dead Kennedys not to mock Ted Kennedy. It's just appropriate, that's all."




  1. I can only hope that someone is that disrespectful to Savage when his time draws near. All these mean-spirited radio "hosts" are deserving of the same kind of dishonor as they publicly and blatantly dished out. May God d**n them all.   -RKO-  05/21/08

  2. It is expected from these so called shock jocks. Good taste does not run among them.

  3. If you dont like the station, change the dial!!

  4. Yes, but Savage doesn't pull any punches.  If you've ever listened to him you know he doesn't mince words, and will criticize Hannity, Limbaugh and other conservatives who don't speak what he sees as the "full" truth.  He's really an angry man.  Sometimes with reason, sometimes without.

    I don't respect Ted Kennedy.  I think he's privileged to have lived into his mid 70s, especially after sacrificing a woman's life for his own reputation.  He drove his poor first wife to become an alcoholic.  Still, I wouldn't celebrate his death anymore than I would his life.

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