
Radio Question Help..?

by  |  earlier

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Here is the question.

The battle is on with the competition. Things are heating up you need to do something that will put your station on the top of mind with area listeners. You again have no money to spend. What can you do to accomplish this goal ?

This is not real. Its an assignment. What could I do ?

I was thinking about doing a trade out with a few gas stations...Getting some free gas for air time..Etc..

..What else could I do/try ?




  1. Watch the trades such as all-access for ideas.

    For example, a local radio station group in my area got some trades and did a christmas drive competing against the other radio stations to see who can get the most toys in front of the local mall. best part is someone called the newspaper and tv station to do a free blurb about what they were doing for the community.

    Don't know if gas stations are willing to do the free trade out... but discounts would work.... have people lined up for gas at even $2 a gallon meaning a dollar fifty a gallon the consumer would be saving thanks to the trade out.

    Biggest things are to do stuff that is legal but also ethical and gets your name out....

    How about these toy/poker runs for motorcycles if you are a country or rock station? give free trade on event day of say the main event which would be a concert usually by a local group covered by the biker group anyway with a place to drop off toys if not a biker and do all this for being featured in every ad the people publish

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