I work in an office building that gets virtually no radio reception, besides the fact that there are no “open windows†in the building, I am not even close to one if there were. I am using a small digital Sony desktop radio, I can get local stations like K-ROQ (106.7) and Free FM (97.1) but JUST BARLEY. There is SO much static that it’s hard to enjoy the morning radio chatter that I just end up turning it off after a while and listening to some music on my IPOD. Since I work a desk job working mainly with Contracts it’s easy for me to sit here and listen to music (I have to or I go crazy). But I LOVE my morning radio and recently my company has decided that too much internet radio has slowed down our network therefore they had no other choice but to block EVERY site that even had the word radio in it.
So I’m stuck here folks! I have a radio adapter/remote for my Ipod but it’s no good in here for the most part. I can get like one local station and a few Korean stations (which