
Radio advertising?

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For IT homework, I have to making a "leaflet" for a radio company advertsing the radio station. The "station" makes most of its money from advertising, so i have to put on some sample prices for advertsing packages. Could you suggest to me how to lay this info out and some believable prices?




  1. Hi Kitty.

    As an prospective advertiser, I will want to know more than just how much a radio station charges. I will also want to know some of the following pieces of information.

    • Who listens to your station? What is the age range? Which age group comprises your largest body of listeners? Are the majority of your listeners male or female?  What is the average income level of your listeners? Do they work in white collar or blue collar professions? Knowing this information will help me determine whether or not I believe your station is the appropriate station on which to advertise my products or services.

    • What is the format of your station? Do you play music or are you a talk station? If you play music, what kind of music do you play? Does your format change throughout the day? If so, how? If you are a news/talk station, tell me about your news team or celebrity air personalities. It may be that if I find your music objectionable, I may not wish to associate my business with your station. Or, if your talk show hosts are too controversial, I may decline advertising on your station for the same reason.

    • Is your station involved in the community? If so, how? As an advertiser, I want to align my company with businesses that are good members of the community. It's called the "halo effect." If you're a good station, then the companies that advertise on your station must be good companies, too.


    (I didn't check out the previous poster's links.) Does your rate card indicate the various price differences between early morning, Drive-Time, midday, and other times of the day? I may be willing to pay more to reach your listeners during Drive-Time (when most people are on the way to and from work and listening in their cars) than advertising at 2 in the morning because the rates are lower.

    I know I have given you a lot of information here, Kitty. But in the "real world," this would be what an advertiser would expect from a brochure or leaflet from a radio station. Today's advertisers have many media options from which to choose, so unless you can provide supporting information as to why I should select your station, I may not even consider you.

    Good luck with your leaflet, Kitty.

  2. The rates would most likely depend on the reach of the radio station and their demographic. This could be anything really. Heres some varying radio station advertising rates :

    I would lay out the data in a similar way in which it is presented on one of the bove pages.
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