
Radio and clock dont work also no power to the cig lighter?

by  |  earlier

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i recently replaced my radio in my 2001 corolla

i know i blew the fuse and i replaced it.

but there still is no power to the clock and my radio

only my dome light works.

i checked all the wires and it still isn't working.

there is some power to the radio because i can still eject CDs

but the radio doesn't work and the clock wont turn on.

when i blew the fuse before the dome light also went out with the clock and the radio... but now only the dome light works.

i also checked the fuse on the back of my radio and it was fine.


i cant stand driving around with quietness anymore!!!




  1. theres two fuses one for clock and radio

  2. i would check the ground wire

  3. blown radio fuse....should be 7.5 amps.

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