
Radio shack, best buy, or circuit city and why?

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Radio shack, best buy, or circuit city and why?




  1. I like the local radio shack. They actually know what they're talking about if your looking for something technical.

    Circuit City has been pretty good. They had the computer I wanted for less then Best Buy and the service was better. But when I went to buy a car radio the guy either lied or had no idea what HD Radio was and thought that it had no extra stations on it which it does.

    Best Buy was awesome for the typical first 2 weeks. After that I actually had to wait while two salesmen talked about who won the basketball game.  So I didn't buy anything there after that!

  2. Well in terms of overall product knowledge my best experiences have been with Radio Shack. Circuit City has been down hill ever since they took there team off commission they have no drive to learn anything because it's not going to affect what they will be making. Obviously there will be expect ions to this, and in all actuality its not the employees fault either.

    Best Buy...again I've never really been impressed. I generally know what I want when I'm walking in so I don't have to go through the painstaking process of trying to find someone who knows a l**k of what I'm talking about.

    Radio Shack, generally there isn't many people in the store so if i really need a technical second opinion they know a little bit about the subject in the least.

    CC and Best Buy I've caught in lies about the products. It's just lack of education and training from the companies stand point.

    Just my 2 cents.

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