
Radio signals?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so last Saturday i was sitting in my room surfing the net on my computer at about 2 a.m. and i started to hear voices. I immediately though it must either be my radio alarm clock or my computer, i turned the volume off on my speakers and it still played, so i went over and checked my alarm, it too was off. The sound was still playing, it was some sort of christian mumbo-jumbo preaching c**p. I looked all over my room for any electronics that could play it with no success before finally realizing the sound was coming from my (Turned off) computer speakers. I have satelite internet so i'm curious if maybe i am intercepting signals from radio broadcasts or something or other, if thats possible... But it still happens from time to time since saturday. Everyday at random times i hear radio broadcasts (usually a few days old) from around the world. I heard some from netherlands, germany, and russia last night. I'm curious, what could possibly be causing this? Out of space, will add mor




  1. Cool !!!

    Where abouts are ya that this happened ?

    Maybe i'll have to start listening a lot more !!!

    A couple seconds before my cell phone rings, i can hear buzzing thru PC if it is near by

  2. Signals from space trying to contact the Earth

  3. I've had that happen to. On rare occasions, you're speakers will pick up radio signals. It depends on atmospheric conditions as to what you'll pick up. That is kinda cool though.

  4. Entirely possible that your satellite internet is at the basis of this phenomenon. There have been repoorts of many things picking up radio signals, including people's teeth! So the dish could be picking up AM or SW signals on an atmospheric bounce of some sort. You might also be picking up XM,Sirius or Worldspace satellite radio signals - or television signals from afar. If everything is off, that adds to the mystery, but speakers are speakers, the on/off switch on computer speakers is for the amplifier. The speakers will still vibrate and create low-volume sound with or without power.

    I'm grabbing at straws here and could be way off. One of the more technically inclined people here on this forum might have a better answer.

    -a guy named duh

  5. Are you near a large tower nearby?

    Usually speakers will conduct a strong signal. Disconnecting the computer from the dish internet would be one way to prove out if it's the cause but my bet of 99.9% is it isn't internet or computer related.. you are having it come from someone broadcasting closely (within a few hundred yards) and it's coming over your speakers.

    Another thing is a bad Fm modulator (something that allows such as a mp3 player to be played over a FM radio) can be bad and send out noise like that.

    Basically speakers can act like antennas and shove enough RF to them and they will actually produce the audio being sent out.

    On the woman with the cell phone....

    Let me guess, If you are in the US, you probably got t-Mobile or AT&T (cingular)?

    Those two companies (and a few others) use a way the cell phones talk called GSM. For some reason GSM phones will communicate to the cell tower (that's the buzzing you hear) before you receive the call... Only GSM phones are known to do it
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