
Radioactive Waste?

by  |  earlier

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progress that is being made in devising environmentally safe methods for storing/disposing of radioactive wastes?

include some specific examples.

current methods being used for storing/disposing of radioactive wastes.

discuss which method you think seems to be the most effective. Explain and support your opinion.




  1. It is better to dispose them.

    But for the purpose of realisation,

    it can be stored out which may cause dangerous


    Then only they can understand that it is better to dispose than


    For the methods,please log onto google

  2. Depends upon the type of waste.  At this time I am only aware of containment and long term storage as options.

    One form of containment system which I saw a demonstration of was called synrock.  Basically its an encapsulation system  which mixes waste with a sand like material and then heats and squeezes the mix into  glass like hockey pucks.   The encapsulation is to prevent the material from leaching

  3. I suggest we dump it on the streets so everyone can become a superhero. :]
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