
Radiology Question about Pneumonias...?

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Hi! To any Radiologist/Medical ppl - can you give me a quick heads up on

1) How Community acquired pneumonia looks on CXR? (I think its normally lobular right?) - any other details/ aspects of specific types of CAP?

2) What does Atypical pnemonias look like, eg - PCP, etc....

I am looking for trends just to clarrify, I realise there is always exceptions, any answers (apart from ppl who dont know telling me to look it up) is appreciated, thanks in advance...




  1. CAP can have variable presentation on radiography, although classically it appears as a region of increased opacity without volume loss.

    Atypical pneumonias also have variability in their radiographic appearances, but generally to not conform to the consolidative pattern of CAPs.  A common appearance for Mycoplasma or PCP is that of reticolonodular, diffuse opacity.

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