
Rafael Nadal OR Roger Federer?

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  1. Rafael Nadal forever :) !!!!!!!!!!! He is simply the best. Rafa for Gold and US Open. xxxxxxxxx

  2. Federer. Nadal won't never be as good as federer.

  3. Rafa Nadal ;) !

  4. i 'm always with federer  

  5. Federer is the master.

  6. Rafael Nadal .. and it's been 3 years that I'm cheering for him and still going on =)

  7. RAFA of course, he's hot ! Fed's not.

  8. federer

  9. Roger Federer

  10. 4 years ago - Federer

    3 years ago - Federer

    2 years ago - Federer

    1 year ago -   Federer

    now            - Nadal

  11. Rafa  

  12. I have 1 question for you. Why is there many people like you asking this question over and over again? I mean really. To answer your question, sure I like Roger the most, but I'm not biast. You can't really say Federer is better than Rafa, or Rafa is better than Roger b/c let's see you do what the pros does. They are great fantasic legends of this century. For me, there are 2 no.1's -- Federer and Nadal. So both are my favorites players.

    Edit: And people, we know Federer is in a slump so can you stop yapping in Y/A. He'll be back soon hopefully. I don't think he is history. I mean since Roger will be #2, and it will be good for him b/c since he will get the harder draws from now on slams, I think it will make him stronger mentally in the slams and on any other tournament like the ATP Masters Series Cups. Nadal for sure right now is the best player in the ATP Tour. The statistics and facts doesn't lie. Hahaha

    Edit: Topspinner, I like your answer.

  13. Nadal...

  14. Federer.

    He's so calm when he play. It's hard to figure out what's going inside his head. He wins with less effort.  

  15. Nadal.

  16. Rafael Nadal

  17. Rafaizzle Nadizzle fo shizzle modizzle  

  18. Federer!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  19. Nadal. He is the best player in the world right now. He is very fit and an epitome of a true professional athlete and a gentleman. His mental toughness can be shown in his ability to focus during the games and after. Just look how he approaches questions being thrown at him. He answers it very logically, and I admire him for that.

    He is not only a physical player but a cerebral player as well. A complete package who knows how to deal with his health and a discipline of a true CHAMPION!!!

  20. Rafa rocks ! Federer is a history.

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