
Rafael nadal look similar to christiano ronaldo???

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why christiano ronaldo and rafael nadal look very similar?? their play style is very similar look very similar attitude is very simillar?




  1. they dont look similar

  2. lmao ! You`re retarded ``KillyGonso`` u talk utter s*** not only are your answers crazy but your questions!!! Sorry to burst your bubble but Mr Rafael Nadal will be winning tomorrow for 4thyear in a row and make history, Fed baby is going down :P As for lookin like Ronaldo lmao! Nope dont think so matey, Rafa has his own unique style lovely dark brown eyes he looks nothing like Christiano, and his attitude is entirely different! Blah Blah.....Ferezo Federer (or whatever you say) haha he is going down down down to the KING OF CLAY !!! VAMOS RAFA VAMOS RAFA VAMOS RAFA VAMOS RAFA XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  3. Their play style is similar? Ha ha. Good one. I think they are bros.

  4. haha I dont think they look a like. I love both though. Manchester United is my #1 team.

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