
Rafidaah ! Is this right, what your Alkafi says......?

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1. The Prophet said, “The man who contracts Mutah once will be saved from the Hellfire. One who contracts it twice will be in the company of virtuous men [in Paradise]. And the one who contracts it three times will be my companion in the highest level of Paradise.” (Al-Kafi)

2. The Prophet said, “The men and women who die without performing Mutah even once in their lives will appear on the Day of Judgment with their ears and nose cut and [their faces] deformed.” (Al-Kafi)

3. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq narrated from the Prophet that “one third of the body is saved from the Hellfire if one contracts mutah once. Two thirds of the body is saved if one contracts Mutah twice, and the whole body is saved from h**l if one contracts Mutah three times.” (Al-Kafi)

4. It is narrated that once the Prophet was sitting among his companions and the discussion came to the topic of mutah. The Prophet said, “Do you know what is the reward of mutah?” The companions answered, “No,” The Prophet then said, “Jibraeel just came to me and said, ‘0 Muhammad, Allah sends His blessings to you and commands you to instruct your Ummah to engage in the practice of Mutah since this is the practice of [Allah’s] virtuous servants.” (Al-Kafi)




  1. NASABI is this true?

    We read in Dur al-Mukhthar, Volume 2, Page 474 (a compilation of the great Fatwas of Imam Abu Hanifa) as follows:

    We read in Fathul Qadeer that if a man informs a woman that he is paying her for s*x then he cannot be subject to any manner of Islamic penalty.

    Mr King of Nasabia,

    In "Lisan al Arab" page 762 by Ibn Manzur states:

    "Nawasib (you) are those who hate Hadhrath Ali, and embrace that hatred as part of their faith"

    If this is the definition of a Nasibi then Mu'awiya was the practical definition of one. If his fighting against Imam Ali (as) is not clear evidence in itself, then his introducing the practice of cursing 'Ali (as) in all mosques throughout the territories, serves as unequivocal proof that he had a deep seated hated of Imam 'Ali (as) in his heart. Mu'awiya sought to institutionalize this hatred, by making the ritual cursing a part of the Friday Sermon, by doing so he in effect sought to convince the masses that this was a part of the Deen.

    It is little wonder that modern day Pakistani Hanafi scholar Maulana Sayyid Lal Shah Bukhari in "Isthakhlaaf ai Yazid" page 216 admitted:

    "The founder of Nasibi ideology was Mu'awiya".

    Look what they say about a NASABI like you that love Muawiya.

    Al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi declared in "Tuhfa Ithna Ashariyya" page 6:

    "The Ulema of Ahl'ul Sunnah regard the enemies of Ali, the Nasibis as the worst party that recites the Shahada. We regard them as equivalent to dogs and pigs"

  2. Funny how we only see this in a Nasabi site, you are fake like the site, paste the book like Ali M did

    Busted Nasabi again

  3. sure, believe in it if thats what makes u sleep better at night

  4. Ummm, what is the source? Nice fabrications.

  5. Yuck!

    Let every shia'a in the Ramadan section know that he/she must perform this religious duty. And if he/she doesn't, then it's h**l fire for sure! And it must be done at least 3 times, mind u.

    Or perhaps they have already done it. If so, then why deny it? One should be proud of one's religion.

  6. u know u should have  a cold glass of water and just chill down a bit

    why are you so worried about other's faith while your own is a weak one?

  7. Al-KAFI is the one authentic source of Shia way of following Prophet PBUH & all above extractions are reportedly from it. Shia sect beleive as above from the corses of heatrs. There is no such single narration in all 7 sunni authentic books of hadith.

    Its not easy to decide what it should be & what it was during the times of the Imam Ali or the Holy Prophet. Everyone beleives what he is. Sunnis dont bel this concept so they are siunnis & sias do bel so they are different from them.

    In my opinion these facts are not able to be solved. It could have solved centuries ago if possible. `m thankful OTHERWISE who put such informative stuff in a very unbiased way.

  8. wooooooooooooooow

    that's totally insane man. you really have to cancel your brain to believe in stuff like this.

    @Ali M

    yes no known penalty, but does he say it is halal? its only you who is imagining stuff !!! which makes you basically a liar.

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