
Raft Building (the fun kind) help please!!!?

by  |  earlier

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RAG week is this week and we're havin a raft race on monday

so we've gone thru a few ideas for floatation. originaly we though of using 3 or 4 kayaks but we're gonna assume thats not allowed for the race.

we were lookin for some big plastic drums but some TOOL recycled them... grrr

at the moment we're thinkin of "borrowin" some wheelie bins

anyone have any beeter ideas?

have you built a raft?

got pics?

cheers for any help




  1. Get 4 45 gal drums and build a frme for them and strap the barrells to the frame. This will hold a lot of weight! Make sure drums are sealed with no leaks. Dont forget the paddles too. To prevent paddles from floating away drill a hole in each one and put a light rope thru it and tie to your wrist. Dont forget your life jackets!!! Lots of luck EH?You must be in the south...Where i am its -8 c and 10 in of snow today..

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