
Raft building "need help, "?

by  |  earlier

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i'm helping a bunch of teen girls on an adventure trip, one of the activies is raft building and i need help (lol) i've never don't this before and i'm looking for good tips on keeping it a float, all we have is 4-6 barrels, some wooden planks and rope, the aim is to get the raft from one side of the river to the other, with out it falling apart,(fingers crossed) any rope tips would be great too, thanks..........




  1. The best way is to keep the barrels together to make it more stbale. use LOTS of duct taple for this or even some wratchet bands (you know the stuff you use to secure stuff to a u-haul when you move) to keep them together. PVC pipe works wonders too! once you got those set and sturdy its just a maltter of securing the planks to the barrels..ohh yeah and PLENTY of lifevests please!

    Good luck and keep dry! :c)

  2. put 2 barrells to each side of the raft then one at the front after this tie the planks to the barrells make shore its a strudie and that nothing is moving make it has tight has possible. Thats the oly help i can give hope it helps

  3. When you build the raft put two planks of wood length ways along the barrels. Make this the bottom of the raft i.e. the planks will be under the barrels in the water.

    This means when you place the raft in the water the barrels are forced together by the water. If you put the wood to the top the barrels will displace and you will get very wet.

    If you want to put more wood along the top for seating or support then this will work just fine.

    Make sure the ropes are tied well using strong knots.

    Good luck. Hope you make it

  4. Depends on how many planks you have.Ideally 4 long ones, and4 short ones. 4long ones lengthwise parellel. 4 short ones across,1at each end two across the centre with enough room for the 6 barrels to fit in.The long planks(poles) close enough so that the brrels don,t fall through.The planks are all fastened at the cross overs with what are called SQUARE  LASHINGS which are then finished off with REEF KNOTS.You turn the raft over ,and the barrels are underneath when you put the raft in the water.No need to tie the barrels on the bodyweight of the girls will keep it ok.As long as the lashings are tight. GOOD LUCK

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