
Rail passes good or not good?

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Would you use them?




  1. The benefits of a rail-pass depend on the frequency of utilization and the distance traveled. Maybe you want to find out yourself:

  2. Wulf's pretty much got it-- whether or not a Rail pass is a good idea depends on where you're planning to go, and how much train traveling you plan to do.   I've traveled with and without them.  For my first solo trip, I was very nervous and didn't entirely trust my ability to end up on the right train going to the right place.  Add that to the fact I had several days to train travel planned, so I went for a rail pass. It worked fine, was a reasonably good value, and was uncomplicated.

    The following year, having learned from my mistakes and planned a lot less travel, as well as being much more confident in my train-travel skills, I just went with point-to-point tickets.  It just depends on the trip.

    For the novice, though, I highly recommend checking out Rick Steves' guide to railpasses-- .

    (RS can be a bit much at times, but he's an excellent source for those new to European travel & gives a lot of very sound basic advice.)

  3. They can be depending on what your using them for.

    If short use then no, but if you are traveling a lot by train than yes.

  4. My answer to your question is CLEARLY check out this site: That is for a Twin pass and the link for the single is on their as well. You can choose from second class to first class and have to get a minimum of four days and can add extra days, I highly suggest the insurance!!! You can check the train schedule at and their is an English version of it if you do not speak German. Good luck

    The other link above is also a good one.

    Again I am thumbing you up in an attempt for peace. Is this possible?

    (Petra You are misundersanding me, please e-mail me thank you it is not what you think I promise!!! Please show some trust in me after all I have done to help & risk I have taken, ty)

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