
Rain in queelnsland?

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i'm spending one yr (studying)in QLD.i know the temperature up there is much warmer than sydney,for example...but what about the rain(precipitation)?HOW MUCH does it actually rain?i live in london and here it rains 300 days of the yr if not more...and i choose QLD because it is "the sunshine state"!!! THANKS




  1. You've chosen wisely - Queensland really is the Sunshine State and you can say goodbye to dreary drizzling days in winter. In a wet winter (not too many of them about for the last few years), we might get 10 wet days and they're not grey and dreary like in other places.

    From April until October you can confidently expect blue skies and sun nearly every day with only a few really wet days during that time and the temperature will still be fairly comfortable.

    In summer, there will be more rain (we hope), but the air temperature is warm and the rain usually comes in a late afternoon or evening thunderstorm with clear skies on both sides of the storm.

    Here are the weather stats. for Brisbane so you can see for yourself (stats. for other cities are accessible from there):

    And note, a wet day is counted as one with more than 1mm of rain. Many of the 'wet' days on the stats would have been included because of 1 brief shower on an otherwise lovely day.

  2. Queensland is known as "the sunshine state" but actually isn't South Australia (Adelaide) is the the sunniest Australian state followed by Western Australia (Perth) QLD is maybe 3rd. just thought you ought to no. not trying to put you off going there, but just wanted you facts right. and i quess their label of the sunshine state worked for you.

    it will be lovely anyway.

    goodluck :)

  3. not much rain in winter we get it in summer

    in Brisbane we get a afternoon/evening thunderstorm quiet often lasts about1to2 hours with a bit of rain that dries up very fast.

    but the bad bit for you is going to be the humidity & heat of summer it will leave you pretty buggered(i know a few pommys it kills them for the first 5 years)but overall you will love it today temp10%c

    to 24%c & it is the middle of winter

    so come on down & have a good time & DONT WINGE and you will have a good stay

  4. Well we have been in the worst drought in about 100 years so our rainfall has been pretty low for a couple of years but this year we have finally received good(not great) rain. Normally our summer months is what we call our wet season and when it rains we can get a couple of inches in a couple of hours. These storms usually come in from the west of Brisbane in the afternoon and are gone by early evening and we can get two or three of these a week but like i said the drought has been severe and our weather pattern isn't what it used to be like.


    It depends which part of Queensland you are coming to Anywhere north of Rockhampton is above the tropic of Capricorn where they have 2 seasons the wet and the dry . Dry season is between april and september. Before the wet it gets very humid and sticky South of Rockhampton ie Brisbane and the goldCoast areas we have 4 seasons but the winters are beautiful mild and sunny and when it rains it can be torriental but doesn't last long . I'm not sure how many days rain we get a year but certainly not many ,maybe 20 or so january february can be very hot but most places are airconditioned.
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