
Rain poured on my carpet inside the room! help!?

by  |  earlier

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okay, this is a real disaster. i opened our window just this morning to let some air come inside the room, then i went to school in a hurry and i forgot that i had my window open. it suddenly rained so hard and when i got home, i luckily found out that i had 1/3 of the whole room carpet so wet. i didnt know what to do, all i know is that i shouldn't let my mom see it or else she'll definitely kill me. i wiped the carpet wih some clothes and stuffs that i had here and i let my vaccum and fan dry the carpet, until now they're still running, it was like 30 mins since i had them open, i am worrying about the molds and stuffs that might form under the carpet, what's the best thing to do?




  1. take the carpet and put it outside so the air can come on it u cant do anything with it inside unlesss u go to a place like home depo and get the dryers  

  2. uh-oh! thats not good! mold will defidently happen. im sorry. the best thing to do is to tell your parent(s) they will know what do do...

    i suggest to let it dry and then vacume...  

  3. The best thing to do is rent a rug doctor and suck the water up with it. Go over the carpet several times and really lift up on the handle as you are pulling it backwards towards you. This gives the most suction. Then you can keep the fan on it for a few days. You could spray it with some lysol after you are done!

  4. You may want to consider (A) roof or a better roof.

  5. Yes you're going to get mildew in the carpet if you don't suck the water out. You need to get a water extractor or steam cleaner. If you don't have one you can usually rent one from grocery stores. A shop vac will work too.  

  6. just keep the fan on it and one its dry on the top keep the fan on bc it could still be wet underneath. hope this helps!

  7. get the worst ov the water out,let it dry naturally but the fan will defiantly help! don't worry aslong as you dnt have wooden floorboards underneath you sld be safe!(might take a while to dry though!)

  8. Tell your mum! explain whats happened and how youve tried to fix it! she will understand..good luck!  

  9. This will definitely result in your mom finding out (unless you can do it yourself while she is away/at work, but I doubt it), but the best way to fix it is to shampoo the carpet with a rug doctor (or other carpet cleaning machine). Then, you just let it dry on its own or with fans. The rug doctor will clean the carpet and get out any excess water. Good luck!  

  10. This JUST happened at my house, and just to tell you the truth, the carpet is going to have to be replaced in that room.  If it's not replaced, you're running the risk of mold which can really make you sick.

  11. You need to pull back the carpet, cut out the affected pad & replace it with new pad. The pad will act as a sponge & if you don't get it out it will begin to smell. You can bring a piece to Home Depot to match it up. Raise the carpet with a crate or something & let a fan blow on it until it's dry. Then replace the pad.

  12. Take the carpet and put it in the tub. Then dry the floor before mold develops there.

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