
Rainbow Girls or IORG, it is a cult or just another orginization?

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Im in IORG. I have been in for almost a year now, but it started to seem like it was a cult so give me your opinions if you know what it is




  1. Cults try to separate you from your friends and family, don't want you to speak about it to outsiders, have one living leader whose word is the only word that goes... IORG is not a cult.  The organization has many traditions, just as most organizations (from sororities to the Girl Scouts to a family) do, and some won't make much sense to those who aren't a member, but that's not a definition of a cult.

    I always found the hardest thing about being a Rainbow Girl was explaining it to people, and I love that the organization as a whole has adopted the terminology of sorority, because truly that is the best analogy I've heard (I often heard/used "like the Girl Scouts" but there are big differences in the organizations.  Not to disparage either, I'm actually a GS Leader today, but they're not really the same other than both having a heavy focus on service and leadership development for young women).  And at times that inability to really easily describe the organization made it less likely to come up regularly, which probably led to some of the appearance of secretiveness.

    You'll find over time tons of weird (and wrong) things are said about Masonry and associated Masonic organizations, but luckily, they're not usually true!

    That said, if you find that your local assembly asks things of you that make you uncomfortable, it's probably worth exploring more with an adult you trust why you feel that way.  The organization as a whole certainly isn't, but any time your internal "something isn't right" meter goes off, you should pay attention to it.

  2. I've never even heard of them! But I checked out the website and it looks cool. I doubt it's a cult. What makes you think it is? If you aren't comfortable going, don't go anymore.

  3. I am sorry, I don't know much about this either so I can't offer an opinion.

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