
Rainbow colors?

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How are rainbows made?What are rainbows?




  1. Rainbows are an optical phenomenon in the atmosphere, which are formed by a process known as refraction. When sunlight strikes rainfall or mist, the water droplets bent incoming solar radiation, and separate the visible portion of electromagnetic spectrum into seven distinct colors. Those colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The color with longest wavelength and lowest frequency, which is red, is placed on top. The color with the shortest wavelength and highest frequency, which is violet, is placed on top.

  2. rainbows are made by dispersion of the white light of sun by the rain drops ... the sun light is made up of seven colors of diifrent wavelength the water drops disperses these colors into 7 bands known as rainbow ...........

  3. Raindrops behave like little prisms in our atmosphere. When a ray of light passes through the prism is separates into the colored waves of a rainbow. Each wave bends to a different degree which depends on its wavelength. Bending the least amount is the red band which has the longest wavelength. Violet light has the shortest wavelength and it bends the most.

    The colorful arcs we see during or following a rainfall are caused by the interaction of sunlight and moisture suspended in the air. Although sunlight appears white to the naked eye, in fact it is made up of seven colors - red, orange, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

    When a sunbeam strikes the surface of a water droplet or raindrop, the light bends and separates into its component colors. These colored light waves then reflect of the inner rear surface of the raindrop, then bend once again as they exit.

    Double Rainbow

    Usually, light reflects off the droplets only once which produces a single rainbow. Sometimes the light bounces inside the drops and reflects twice and produces the formation of two rainbows! First there is a primary rainbow that is produced by the first reflection of light and then there is secondary rainbow above the first which is caused by the second reflection.

    The Creation of a Rainbow

    Some of the sunlight entering a water droplet or raindrop passes right through. Other rays of light are bent away from an observer on the ground. Only the rays that reflect between 40º and 42º will be seen as a rainbow by the observer on the ground. All droplets reflect the red waves of sunlight at an angle of 42º, so an observer will only see red light from droplets suspended at that altitude. Violet light, reflected at an angle of 40º is visible only from droplets suspended at 40º above the horizon. The other colors are reflected at angles between those of red and violet. This is why red is always the top color in a primary rainbow, violet is always at the bottom, and the other colors appear in between.
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