
Rainwater Harvesting on 100x150 sq ft plot. ? method & Cost ?

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After covering a plot of 100 x 150 sq ft, how to collect rain water or Roof water into the plot. which is the economical way of doing it and how to do it ? Thanks for answers




  1. First and most it LEGAL for you to harvest rainwater from your roof?  You'd be suprised at how many places it it illegal.  I was shocked to find out it's illegal in parts of the rainy Pacific Northwest!

    I'm assuming your garden is near your house.  If you have gutters/downspouts from your roof, then the cheapest thing to use would be plastic barrels.

    Is there a pickle making plant anywhere near you?  You can often get used plastic pickle barrels for as little as $5 a barrel from the plants.  They are 50 gallon barrels.  They will stink HORRIBLY of pickle juice, but be perfectly safe for holding water to water a garden.  Those are the most economical way of getting something to hold rainwater.  

    You can join several barrel together, with hoses, so you can collect several hundred gallons of water under each downspout.

    Then use soaker hoses to get the water from the barrels, to your garden.

    The most important thing to do if you use barrels is to COVER THEM.  Use a STURDY SCREEN.  This not only prevents pine needles, leaves and dead bugs, but it prevents DROWN BIRDS, CATS, DOGS, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY CHILDREN!

    If you cannot get plastic barrels at a reasonable price, you can look at stock water troughs.  You can find them at any feed store (livestock feed store).

    We are designing our roofs to have one or two 800 gallon water troughs under each downspout.  An 800 gallon water trough is about $400.  If treated properly, it will last for decades.  You can of course purchase smaller water troughs.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  2. Check this article for ways to harvest rain water

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