
Rainy day activities/ crafts for preschoolers?

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Rainy day activities/ crafts for preschoolers?




  1. hi! i'm a mom of 2 girls Libby (3) and Nina (1) and I babysit in my home so i'm the craft queen. yesterday we made macaroni necklaces. i put about a dozen macaronis in a tupperware container and added just enough water to cover them up entirely. then i added 1 drop of food coloring to the container and stirred it all around. i closed the top and left it for a few hours. then i remove the macaroni with tongs and place them on a sheet of aluminum foil to dry overnight. in the morning they are all hardened and dry and beautiful colors! the kids string them on yarn and make necklaces, bracelets, even belts, or dog leashes for their stuffed dogs! very cute! next time i might make the kids involved in coloring the macaroni, let them choose the color and drop in the food coloring themselves.

    good luck! have fun!

  2. children love making macaroni art such as pictures and jewelry.

  3. create songs and dances. you can have them color. you can cook some spaghetti noodles and use foodcoloring and then let the kids make designs using the colored noodles. You could also do a shaving cream project. Put some shaving cream on the table with a small amount of washable paint and then let them smear it around and draw pictures and practice writing their names and stuff.

  4. One of my favorite sites to get activities from is

    ( if you sign up for the email you get a really nice newsletter that has themed activities , snack recipes that go along with it, etc)

    this one looks like it has alot of indoor games.. I haven't had a chance to really explore it yet tho...

    If your little one likes to try to write letters or copy their names, here are some sites where you can make/print your own

    This one has alot of things on it that could be useful and fun :-)

    some other sites that I like ~ < this has a list of other sites>

    hope that helps some!

    have fun :-)

  5. Yesterday I sat down with my 2 and 4 year old and we got out all their paints and paint brushes. We got out pasta to paint and roll around to make different shapes with. I also cut up potatoes and carrots to do priting with. We did hand prints and used their toy cars to roll through the paint and onto paper. I also added washing up liquid to the paint so they could blow bubbles, they loved it. Even I enjoyed doing it with them. I got a lot of the ideas from the pre school they attend.

  6. *Reading to your child is always a good choice.

    *Make play dough together and then play with it.  Use Google to help find a good play dough recipe or email me and I'll give you one.

    *Cook something simple.  Let your child help cut up fruit for a fruit salad.  Bake cookies.  Make home made soup together (your child can help cut up veggies for the soup).

    *Cover the kitchen table with newspaper and paint or cut pictures or letters out of old magazines to glue on paper to make pictures.  Teach your child to use little dots of glue.

    *Put on some music and dance together or sing.

    *Count his/her toys and group them by categories as you clean and organize his/her room.

  7. check out

    They have a ton of craft ideas there.

  8. play duck duck goose or

    tell them to draw a picture of one thing they did over the summer so far

  9. I'm a Ventriloquist.  Talk about fun :)

    Great chance to practice too.  Nothing's harder than a crowd of children that aren't amused.

  10. Rain is always a great spring-board into talking about weather (if you haven't already), and you can draw pictures, write sentences, or read about different types of weather. You could also have your class be "weather forecasters" and examine the predictions for the week ahead (for older kids, use words in the predictions, but for the young ones, pictures are easy). Rainy days are also good times to play indoor games like silent ball, freeze dance, four square, etc. As always, story time, class discussions, share in learn, (each class member gets to tell the class a SHORT story or something they've learned to discuss it), and sing-along are great "escapes" on rainy days.

  11. make paper flowers for your or their mom's refriderator.  play musical chairs in a large room.....

  12. the kids i babysit LOVE red light green light. give it a new twist to make it even more fun for them (like my favorite, "purple light, hop on one foot and make an animal noise")

  13. You'll find a lot of fun activities here

    Need supplies??


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