
Raise Money? I Need Some Ideas!!?

by Guest67095  |  earlier

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It's To Help Rais Money TO Be Able To Go To Morocco In The Sahara Desert. Its For The World Challenge Charity. The World Challenge Gives Kids A New Experience All Over Te World ,It Runs Trips To Get Kids Acitve Fit And Healthy!!

I Need Some Ideas , I Can Get So Far About £180 From Past And Present Brithday Money , But I Need In total 1200 Pounds..x

Thanx Please Reply!!




  1. Some people I know are thinking of organising a fake wedding for charity. Each "guest" pays about €40 for the meal, which is then followed by a dj (helps if you know a dj that will do it for free). The 2 girls organising it are goin to be the bride and groom,  All sounds like abit of a laugh, with an excuse to get dressed to the nines, have a lovely meal and good old boogy afterwards. the hotel/venue should give the food cheaply cause its for charity and they'll make loads from the bar anyways.

    So there should be loads left over to go toward your sponsorship.

  2. Hold a bake sale, hold a yard sale,

  3. Maybe a sponsored car clean

    have a garage sale in your garden

    Maybe consider a part-time job in evenings if you are at college?

  4. if you are doing it to help a charity why dont you get people to sponser you on i dont know say a run or something . get friends and family to sponser you, the people at the local shops, school teachers/co workers depending on you age...or get a job, even if its just a paper round or something

  5. Find a Job

  6. Have a garage sale, walk dogs or have a bake sale...

  7. Since it's around fitness, focus on getting people to sponsor you on a walk or run.  Most people will back a good cause.

    Hold different fitness events to educate people on the latest and charge a fee to attend.

    Host an event and tend bar for tips.  Try to find corporate sponsors who would benefit from the publicity of helping kids.

  8. try to put an ad in the local paper yourlocal news station may be interested in doing a story also you can always have tag sales car wash advertise on your myspace or blog if you have one if you have some sort of talent you could also do some sort of skit in public in the park or somthing have big posters up and maybe pics of previous events  so the people know what they are donating to then put out a canister or something incase people want to throw change into good luck

  9. Sell all the clothes, books, CD's DVD's and anything else you don't want on eBay.  Charge a lot for postage, you can make at least two quid per item, even it if sells for 50p.

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