
Raising my vertical?

by  |  earlier

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i have from now untill the end of summer to raise my vertical and i just want to know the most affective way to go about doing that. i want a dramatic change while playing volleyball




  1. many exercises will help that.

    calf bounces- stand on ur tip toes and bounce as fast as u can.

    jump roping is a really good exercise too.

    find a wall or something and jump up and touch it as high as u can. like a block, and then try to somehow mark it. i recommend putting chalk on ur hands then doing it, then in a week of doing it chalk ur hands again. but jump and touch as high as you can and right when u hit the ground load and jump again.

    these are easy simple things u can do. im sure someone will post more in depth but if ur sitting around the house and you want something quick and easy do one of these

  2. the best thing for your vertical is a workout called pylos, or pylometrics. i have just started an 8 week, three day a week, training session to work on my jump.

    this is what i'm using:

    good luck!

  3. a good drill is to stand on a bench with your arms where they should be for the last 2 steps of your approach. then you will step down one foot at a time then sprin g up and swing away(in the air)

    do rhis 20 times a day everyday

    hope this helps!

  4. You can do frog jumpsss

    bend super low

    and when u come up make sure you reach the highest you cannn

    also lift alot of leg weights it helps also

  5. A number of things could help. One would include full range squats with weight and the second would be any type of short sprint work. It is your "fast twitch" muscles that will help with your vertical. Could also try sand sprints (sprint end to end of a sand court or side to side) or play a lot of beach volleyball (this will affect your timing however).

  6. some good exercises are: squats, wall sits, lunges, get really big boxes (24"-34") and jump over them repeatedly and quickly, leg press, calf raises, ankle hops (jumping only using your ankles), play some beach ball, do short 10-20 yd sprints and focus on explosiveness, weighted lunges (green berets) these have to be done quickly, lunges (jumping off the forward foot after doing a lunge and landing in the lunge position). this should raise your vert about 3"-5". good luck.

  7. squats with weight to build up your leg muscles
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