
Raising taxes for the rich and lowering taxes for the poor, Obama thinks this will somehow work?

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Re-distribution of wealth doesn't work and never has. Do you think the wealthy will just deal with making less money? No, they will jack up prices to compensate.

And who pays for those jacked up prices? The poor and middle class. It's a double wammy too, because now in addition to the companies raising prices, they also cut wages. Who suffers now? Not the wealthy...




  1. What makes you think the same failed policies of George W Bush we've had for the past 8 years will somehow magically work for the next 4?

    Would you mind explaining to me I'd like to hear.

  2. Yes it works. Stop with the Republican b/s. We've listened to it for 8 years, and now we have 4.00/gasoline and 4.00/milk. The FACT is, the gap between the wealthy and the middle-class in America has grown ENORMOUSLY over the past 8 years. That is what is hurting America. And the greedy oil companies and rich lobbyists and stock brokers don't care. Guess what... they are ALL Republicans and they ALL give McCain campaign contributions. WAKE UP Americans.

  3. It hasn't worked giving to the rich and taking from the poor either.

    This country cannot work without a middle class and right now the middle class is disappearing.   A large disparity between the rich and the poor always leads to dissatisfaction and class strife, eventually leading to warfare if not curbed.

    Taxes are but one tool for the redistribution of wealth.

  4. Yes, Obama thinks that removing incentives to work hard will somehow improve the economy.

  5. "Jack up prices" on what? You seem to be under the impression that the filthy rich all own grocery stores.

    The gap between the filthy rich and everyone else in the U.S. is the largest it has been since the Great Depression.

    Do you think the poor will "just deal with" being forced into homelessness and starvation? Do you think we won't be seeing an increase in crime as people get more and more desperate?

    The Bush tax cuts are wealth redistribution that favors the filthy rich and puts the greater burden on the middle class. Obama's plans will just shift the tax burden back to where it was during Bill Clinton's presidency.

    It's sad that you're stupid enough to vote against your own interests because you've been brainwashed by corporate propaganda disguised as news. Wake up before it's too late.

    P.S.--Obama's campaign has more money because it's getting a huge number of small donors-- he has millions of old ladies sending him $10 checks because they are so desperate for a change from the Republicans who are destroying this country.

  6. Concentrating 50% of the wealth in the hands of 1% of the population is bad economics.

    NOBODY needs a billion dollars to live well.

    And you can't make a social compact with a poor person if he gets nothing of value in return for his obedience to it.

    If you want peace in the land, if you want prosperity in the land, then everyone has to benefit from it, not just the rich.

  7. Well let's ask a simple Question as people of the world ,,  Who thought of creating the  Credit Crunch,   Or do you think it just World Govenments and World Banks are now robbing us the people of Earth   Greed.

    Who cares about  McCain or Obama   < one day they may really need the people,  and we won't be there for them.

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