
Rajoy fails to information Telecinco

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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It was the second time that Rajoy gave a TV interview as Prime Minister. On the previous occasion, in September 2012, TVE, the Prime Minister was seen by 3,258,000 people, 20.6 % of the share. Therefore, it has also fallen hearing these interviews in nearly 400,000 people.

Earlier, in his role as leader of the opposition had also been interviewed on Antena 3, in January 2011, where he was seen by 2,183,000 people (11.4%) in prime time, and the breakfasts TVE, in February 2010, during the mornings, was heard by 506,000 viewers (21.6%).

In television interviews by presidents of government since January 2010, the most-watched - by - number of viewers which was granted to José Luis RodrÃ_guez Zapatero in March 2010 TVE, which won an audience of 3,700,000 viewers (18 4 % share), followed by the 2012 interview on TVE Rajoy.

In this ranking of interviewing presidents, in the third interview Monday in Antena 3, followed by another also by chain Metro Zapatero, in January 2011, with 2,200,000 viewers (11.7% would stand) and, fifthly, the made ​​by TVE Breakfasts Zapatero that month in the mornings, with 517,000 viewers (21.1%).

During surgery on Monday, Rajoy is convinced of the innocence of the Infanta Cristina, subpoenaed to testify on 8 February by Noos case, and said he has a plan to stop the query in Catalonia, as stressed, are not going to celebrate.

 Tags: fails, information, Rajoy, Telecinco


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