
Rajoy: "I am convinced of the innocence of the Infanta, will do well "

by  |  11 years ago

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The Prime Minister is willing to go far in the defense of the Crown. Both this Monday, in an interview on Antena 3, one of the few that gives hard - defended his innocence when the interviewer Lomana Gloria, took the issue of corruption, which gained six points in the CIS and it is the second public concern. Rajoy did something like it to put your hand in the fire, an expression never used: "I am convinced of the innocence of the Infanta ". Rajoy rejected even the possibility that Dona Cristina renounce his dynastic rights to protect the Crown, which is claimed from different sectors. His refusal was clear: "Do not think I should resign." The president, not given by anyone to get wet, spread: "I like that everyone is equal before the law, the Infanta is also entitled to the presumption of innocence has been quoted to testify, was not convicted."

" I am convinced that things will go well," the Infanta in the process, got to say. " You mean because you think it will not come to trial? " He asked. " No, I'm convinced of his innocence," he concluded in the case.

He explained that he has spoken with the King, which ships with every week, and admitted his concern. " The King will hurt these things. I see him very often and he is always on the ball, informed about things going on in Spain and helping many useful things. "

The president was much more comfortable talking about economy of the controversial issues of the day. While talking about the economy almost came to a very difficult undertaking to comply: leave less unemployed which EPA found, implying that now and the end of term 630,000 jobs should be created. First he said: "I am convinced that we can achieve." And then when he insisted nuance: " I will not give specific numbers."

Contentious issues came out and had to respond. He was seen especially annoyed with the abortion. " Why have gotten into this mess? " He asked. There he tried to give a picture of the law is not as closed as he wished to convey to the minister, Alberto Ruiz GallardÃ_n. Yes, Rajoy defended the reform: " The abortion contained in our election manifesto. We have presented a project, and now I have to do different organisms. Our intention is to reach the maximum possible agreement with those who want to build. "

But would you be willing to go back to the law of 1985 which included the assumption malformation?, They insisted. Did not realize Rajoy: "We the law 85 no change to reach the government. I am willing to talk, not to anticipate events. We are willing to talk within the doctrine of the Constitutional Court. " But the law serves 85?, Topped the interviewer. "I served a law that is fair and has the widest possible support."

The president also was asked about the case Barcenas. Already not send you messages? " No, not anymore." Have you broken up with him? " Yes " And I'd be willing to apologize? "I've explained in the Congress, we were wrong, we made a mistake, this man had 25 or 30 years in the party and the leaders were wrong."

About Catalonia was blunt: "The state is prepared for any scenario but we must not anticipate events. The law will be enforced. A referendum like that is not going to hold, as I will not be president regardless of any territory. "

Further admitted that he does not like the appearance of Vox, the new party to the right of PP - " is always preferable that these things do not happen, we have tried that moderate space was in our political force " - and called it " disgusting " the photo express ETA in Durango. Not clear whether it will prevent Arnaldo Otegi one day elections may arise.

 Tags: am, convinced, Infanta, innocence, Rajoy


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