
Rajoy: "I see not only the future but also the present with hope"

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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The speech focused economic recovery for months any appearance of the Prime Minister. Mariano Rajoy has used his speech today at the House of Representatives to inform the Council last Europeopara abound in this thesis. The Chief Executive has not hidden his economic optimism. Thanks to the advances of a summit in Brussels last December and following the path taken by the Twenty-eight, " today I can say I contemplate not only the future but also the present, with hope," said Rajoy, who asked " participation of all parliamentary groups in the formulation of European policy priorities of Spain ". In June, the major parties formed a common front support through a non-legislative proposal a resolution which, in his opinion, " strengthened the position of the Government in very difficult negotiations within the Council."

" Since October 2008, the anxiety and restlessness were a black cloud always planned on every one of the meetings. But the fact is that at the last Council of Bygone Days 19 and 20 December air was another. it ended the year with radically different expectations and the palpable feeling that began a new era " has remained the chief executive, which in any case has recognized that unemployment figures are still kept in unacceptable levels.

"While unemployment figures in Europe and particularly in some Member States such as Spain, remain unacceptably high, I think we can say the worst is over and we have begun to travel on the road to recovery," he defended President.

After the European event the chief executive and welcomed his advances, especially in relation to the agreement as the only mechanism to be applied in the future to troubled banks. For the Executive, it is a "key" mechanism of the banking union.

Rajoy recalled that in June 2012, had to ask for a bailout: " Spain requested financial assistance from the eurozone to support the rehabilitation of the damaged part of the Spanish financial system." " European solidarity " has been added, "It was helpful to complete the restructuring process undertaken by the Government since the beginning of the Legislature." According to the usual sales pitch of the Government and the leadership of PP, no one talks about the rescue. Today the President has also put forward this argument. " These reforms, the correction of the deficit, the commitment to the euro, both the European Council and the ECB, and the political will of the Spanish government were key to remedy the situation in the markets and prevent a possible rescue. This today readily acknowledges, " he emphasized.

Despite this fact, the secretary general of the PSOE, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, stressed in his speech that the important thing is that people do not pay for the bailout of the banks and demanded for it guarantees the prime minister. " What to recover the money that is put the Spaniards to save the banks ", considered the leader of the main opposition party, who has also been linked to the stage of recovery decisions by the European Central Bank. " one word I shall be healed, "said Rubalcaba citing the Gospel. And so it was: " A word of Mr. Draghi was enough for the risk premium began to fall not only in Spain but throughout Europe." Furthermore, Rubalcaba has accused the Government has not submitted timely documentation relating to youth employment plan, so the EU has said, gave a warning to the Minister for Employment, Fatima Banez, for their " negligence and incompetence. "

The conflict with the Generalitat of Catalonia are cast towards the end of the debate when the chief executive has urged Artur Mas saying " the truth" about the consequences of sovereignty query. In response to a spokesman for CiU, Josep Sánchez Llibre, considered that "the most important thing is that people have information fulfilled the decisions that some raise them and proposed that make them, because what can not be said to people are so there. " "You have to explain the truth, what I call the right to be well informed, and is the duty of everyone who makes a proposal like yours inform all citizens," he insisted.

 Tags: future, Hope, Rajoy


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