
Rajoy supports points " certainly controversial " on abortion law

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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It seemed that there were no grounds to defend the bill on abortion but the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz GallardÃ_n, has made an innovation that has caused genuine astonishment in the socialist bloc, addressed to the minister's words, and much of opposition. No one questions that the minister has left for the day session of Congress the proposition that the Socialists do not recognize the right to life of the fetus and this may end up not not recognize the right of the living. This has been the argument and the response has offered the Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE, Elena Valenciano: " Supports defend the right of born and unborn. It happens that the Socialists are clinging to a fierce individualism and that is deeply selfish. Who tells me that if they [ the Socialists } exercise their individualism with the unborn will not use someone already born? ". During the socialist bloc minute not all reacted to these words, somewhat incredulous gravity of what had just heard.

The first control session began with the 2014 government draft on abortion for which they have been challenged the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, the vice president, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, and Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz GallardÃ_n. The first two have not delved into the contents of the law but have relied on the sectors of society that disagree.

The opposition has heard the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, who is willing to listen to all groups during the processing of your draft abortion law is now being studied. But with precision: " We will consider the constitutional doctrine and the different views of society." From there, you can discuss. "We are willing to talk and listen to you and the entire world," he said Rajoy spokeswoman BNG, Olaia Fernández Dávila. "There is a bill that is being processed with advisory bodies and are willing to talk with the opposition to avoid unilaterally break a consensus that lasted from 1985 ", has accused the PSOE without citation to replace that rule with an existence of 25 years modified by the Socialist government in 2010. What has not said GallardÃ_n is that the 1985 Act was adopted without consensus and their party, then AP, opposed, while the law of 2010 the PSOE had the support of five parliamentary groups, but voted against the PP, CC, UPyD, UPN and eight of the 10 Members of CiU.

The draft Government is " regressive " and goes back to a time when only " guarantees could abort with those with economic means, the rest put their lives at risk," said Fernandez Davila, who has claimed the right of women " be responsible "for their actions. This is a "very sensitive issue " has sealed the president.

The Government has focused response to criticism of its draft in the defense of those who do not share the 2010 law allowing abortion on demand in the first 14 weeks. This has been confirmed by the response of Rajoy and then produced between the Socialist spokesman, Soraya Rodriguez and Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria. " We treat women as incapable. You imagine a woman president of a government, vice president, president of a bank, it can not make decisions about motherhood. You have to decide the doctor, two psychiatrists, one certificate, again the doctor and then to reflect home a week. " This is the journey that has made the Socialist spokesman for concluding that these women will not have the economic means to terminate pregnancies problem elsewhere.

Complained the PSOE that no member of the government has wanted to appear to discuss the abortion - requests were rejected last week by a vote of PP-, but the vice president noted that a draft is not the phase of a law the hearings occur. Furthermore, when the PSOE not changed the law appeared the Minister for Equality, Bibiana Aido, until I was not about to be approved. " You speak for everyone, but there are other people, other women, and other members of Parliament who do not think like you. You insult those who do not share his opinion, " has accused the vice president.

The brawl continued between the number two PSOE, Elena Valenciano, and Minister of Justice. The brooch minister has caused amazement among socialists. " What did you need to add suffering to women, but did you go to for the freedom of women but never thought it would come this far," the socialist leader has begun. " Are you trapped because many PP spokesmen have told us they will change the draft." He continued: "Women were free to decide until you came and while they filled the mouths of children, that have never been less well served, yes, since you came." Was no need because the PSOE broke the consensus on abortion with its 2010 law, replied the minister.

An argument is chained with another. " Keep on the draft box and defend the lives of those already born because they have already been killed six women so far this year." Replica GallardÃ_n " Compatible defend the right of born the unborn but it happens that the Socialists are clinging to a fierce individualism, that is profoundly selfish and who tells me that if they want to exercise their individualism with the unborn not to be used someone already born. "

 Tags: abortion, controversial, Law, Rajoy, supports


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