
Ramadan. If Music is Haram what percentage of muslims listen to Music?

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this can be

1-Devotional music

2- non devotional

3- both

4- Rap (evil in my eyes anyway)




  1. umm i dn't want to argue this topic.

    im not saying its haram or halal.

    but u shudn't look at a religion from its followers even if they are 99% majority

    look at the religion itself.


  2. Sorry I have not done a survey on what % Muslims listen to Music, but  from what I have seen it is alot.

  3. I only listen to R&B Music..

  4. Peace...

    Though people say they are muslim, some commit shirk, some go against allah, they have s*x with others etc...

    The Muslim is someone who submits his will to allah only...

    Those who submit there life to allah will not listen to music, so a percentage would be about 5%..becuase a true muslim would not listen to music as allah does not like it...

    Unless it is music which praises allah with ONLY drum and no other musical instruments..


  5. ALL the Muslims I know listen to music

    Except from

    -My mum/dad

    I Say about 70% / 50%


    Not sure  

  6. no where in the Qur'an have I read that music is haram.

  7. 80% listen to some form of music. i just stopped. i listen to nasheeds now, quran and lectures.

    allah knows best

  8. i would say about 80% of muslims actually listen to music!

  9. music is not at all haram,thsoe who say that are ignorant.

    there is music everywhere,tv,ringtone,birds chirping,where ever you go you will find music in nature.

  10. ROFL @ 4- Rap (evil in my eyes anyway)

    sorry but that made me laugh soo much :P

    umm i think about 85-90%. but allahu-alim and don't bother pondering on such c**p. :P.  its ramadan for god's sake, think about other stuff :P

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