
Ramadan PART II : To all muslims here....?

by Guest58642  |  earlier

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To those who had answered my part I question about modesty in islam.

As a muslim, I would like to challenge :

1. Ur bravery.

2. Ur honesty.

3. Ur strength for being a muslim.

Please answer with number, and yes or no. No reasons or explanations needed.

a. How many hours do u spend for y!a per day?

b. How many activities has been neglected while ur on y!a per day?

c. How many islamic activities u think that wouldve been done based on ur time elapsed in y!a per day?

d. Would u dare urself to leave y!a for the next 24hrs only?

Okay, as soon as i post this question, i leave y!a for the next 24hrs. Yep, I dare myself too. To all participants, goodluck!

See u within 24hrs.

Ramadan kareem.





  1. oh no wonder none answered your Question

    We muslims don't need to show you your sinciarity of being a muslim, we are not accountable to you, u don't have that right. We are accoutable to Allah for our sincarity of being a muslim is well known to Him.

    I and other muslim brothers and sister come to Y/A not for playing or just wasting our time. But have questions while others have answers and come to Y/A to Answer those who have questions , muslims and non-muslims.

    I come to spread the deen Alhumdulliah----Praise be to Allah.

    None of the Muslim is accoutable to you so don't waste your time.

    Better spend some time learning about Islam

    May Allah guide you

  2. Because I am at work...

    a. Recently started. Only at work for 7 hourish on and off.

    b. 0. At work, and working diligently at the same time.

    c. Don't know. But I have prayed Zhuhr and Asr while at work, and have listened to two Qu'ran suras while working.

    d. Would. But only other source of entertainment/learning while working boring work. :)

  3. a. 1

    b. 1

    c. 1

    d. yes, im not controlled by y!a.  

  4. a) all day

    b) none

    c) none

    d) h**l no

    See u in the next 24th hour!

  5. A) it depends as the computer is always on when I have time I answer/browse

    B)None as my activities are foremost

    C) Prob about 2 hours or so I guess rather than coming on here I could do other stuff, but when I take a break from praying and so forth I come on here

    D) LOOOL I left Yahoo for longer than that,  if It was needed I would ;)

    Just to add you cannot challenge my strength for being a muslim as Allah (swt) knows that

    Take care I hope you are feeling better Insha'Allah after what happended.

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