
Ramadan Sect: What Exactly is Shia?

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I hear different things, but i need expert word ;-)




  1. Shia means being Muslim.  

  2. Its a deviant sect.

  3. It's like Christians have Protestant and Catholic; Islam has Sunni and Shia. They are more similar than Protestants and Catholics.  

  4. they are a minority sect in Islam

    just wikipedia them as well

    for real ande expert advise, check out

    u can ask them questions about religion, they r scholars.

  5. Deviant sect of Islam

    there are other deviant sects and minorities who call them selves Muslims like shias suffis ahmadis khwarjis etc

    to know more about shiaism from Islamic sources

    read here an Islamic site (Sunni) exposed shiaism from it's sources

    and below is other deviant sects you may not Know...

  6. Shia's are a sect of Islam who followed Imam Ali after the death of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). They acknowledge that the Prophet was the last Prophet but followed Imam Ali because he was chosen by the Prophet as a guide and successor to the Muslim people.

    Shia's are comparable to Christianity as they are like the Protestants who split from the Roman Catholics, however, with a minor exception...Shia's and Sunni's split because of a difference of opinion as to who should lead the Muslim community whereas the Protestants split due to conflicts with religious doctrine among other issues.

  7. A Shia is the one who submits himself to Allah, accepts Prophet Muhammad as the Last Messenger of Allah and The Ahlebait (as), Household of Prophet Muhammad as the Perfectly/ Rightly Guided Ones after the Prophet (s) Himself, which Qur'an proves their Status in various Verses, the most famous one, Ayat-e-Tatheer (33:33). There are 12 heirs (Imams) of the Prophet (s) from the children of Fatima (sa) and Imam Ali (as), and the 12th Imam who is Imam Mahdi (as) has still yet to come, Inshallah! It'll be soon, much soon!

  8. A true Muslim;...;...;...

  9. salaam alaykum.


    shiaism is one of the 73 sects of Islaam.the shia's are devided into themselves by 33 sects.

    just a little background info.

    shia's believe that instead of AbuBakkar (RA)aLI(ra)should have succeeded the prophet(SAW). if you ask them why? they'll give the following answer.[no matter wich sect of shiaism the perticular person belongs out of the 33 sects they wiil say only this,maybe in different forms but the answer will be related to the following.]

    1-The Prophet of Allah(SAW) before his death asked Ali to lead after him.where is the proof? they dont have it. which book of hadeeth do they follow? they don't know.

    2-Ali is the closest relative of the messenger of Allah and so he should have ruled and not Abuu Bakkar.

    but Muhammed(SAW) never asked Ali to rule.proof.

    1-Before Rasoolullah (SAW) passed away he was lying on the lap of his beloved wife Aa-isha(RA) and whaen it was tim for salah he asked Aa-isha to ask Abu bakkar lead the prayer and Aa-isha said that her father was a weak man(not weak in eman) but he came to tears very soon. so ask Omar to lead.[there is no mention of Ali here]

    2-when rasoolullah(SAW) was ill he asked a man to call someone  to lead the salah. the man could not find Abu bakkar any where and so asked Omar lead the salah.(Rasoolullah never mentioned the name of Abu bakkar but people knew that if not the prophet it's abu bakkar and if not him then it's omar.) while omar (RA) was praying the prophet said Allah and his messenger are not happy with this.(with omar leading the salah)so after the salah got over omar (RA) went to that man and said did the prophet ask me to lead the salah. he said no but i searched for Abu bakkar everywhere but i did'nt find him.

    3-the prophet made Abu bakkar the ameer of al-hajj.

    so it was clear that abu bakkar was the leader and not Ali. and Ali didn't even want it.

    according to what they say that the prophet asked him to rule: how could ever expext Ali the cousin of the prophet not to agree with the prophet. if abu bakkar took the leadership by farcing ali to step aside do you think he would do it?? NEVER! Ali would even be ready to die but would do what the prophet orderd him. why didn't ali fight? he was among the strongest people from the sahaba(RA). why? how did he choose not to follow the words of rasoolullah?

    according to what they say as the closest relative:Zubayr ibn al awwam was the cousin of the prophet as well. why not him then.?Zubayr was the son of sumayya the aunt of prophet and Ali was the son of abu taleb the prophets uncle. both are cousins of the prophet.

    this is the main conflict b/shia and sunni but other conflicts are mainly due to the assasination of Othaman(RA) which caused the battle of siffeen,jamal. but it's not us to decide who's right and who's wrong cuz both mu'aawiya and Ali were the prophets companions and his relatives.

    any way about the shia;

    among the 33 sects there are

    1-some s**+'a that take Ali to the level of Allah. so they fall out of the fold of islaam.(but this is a small group)

    2-some s**+'a say that instead of Muhammed getting the prophethood Ali should've got it and jibraeel did a mistake.they son't believe in rasoolullah and also fall out of Islaam(this is a small group as well)

    3-some s**+'a  believe that Ali will take their prayers to Allah and so worship him and not Allah and so again fall out of islaam.

    4-some s**+'a believe in Rasoolullah,Allah and worship only Allah and not Ali but they are against Abu bakkr,Omar,Othman.  they are still muslims and noone has the right to call them kafir.(comparitively a larger group)

    5-some s**+'a say that the Quraan is not reveald completely and some say that it was revealed complete but a part of the Quraan is can they tell that when Allah himself has promiced to take care of the Quraan. they say that the sheep of Aa-isha(RA) ate the part of the Quraan that is missing. my question,sheep do not eat bones and stones, during the time of Rasoolullah there were no papers.nor leaves,remember they were in a desert. so how did the sheep eat??? no answer? thought so. any way their Eman is not complete cuz they don't believe in the piller or Eman (ie'belief in the books of Allah)but you can't call them a kafir cuz they believe that Allah is one and only and Muhammed is his messenger.(most of the s**+'a)

    I have not talked about the 12 imam. i'll talk about them some other time.

    hands ache, typing.


  10. shia means follow or followers, thats why we say Shian Ali, we are followers of Imam Ali's (AS) teachings, but of course after the teachings of our Prophet, and also of course wahabis will say the craziest things just to spread fitna, divide the Ummah, and please the zionists

    also, it wouldnt make sense to learn chinese tradtions or culture from a russian person does it? so if you want to learn about shias, you should get ur information FROM shias, please do not be fooled by these wahabis spreading their lies and dividing the Ummah!

  11. Sad how many of these Rawaafidh lie about their own faith.

    Look, don't take it from us. Dont take it from them... a part of Sheei'sm is lying (Taqiyyah).

    If you want to learn about the true face of Shee'ism, then go get the shee'ah books, open them up and start reading. The Shee'ah run from their books, but their books dont have the ability to open it's mouth and lie when needed.

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