
Ramadan Section: Is Outlandish a muslim group?

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Like do they sing islamic songs. Cause what i've heard there not.

Listen to this song and read the lyrics.



Jaza K'Allah Khry




  1. I don't know, I think so, one of their songs is a muslim song I think.

  2. im pretty sure, cause they were singing a song that had to do with palestine, and the israelis also.

    the song is look into my eyes, its really good.

    and then they have a song i think its called Aicha.

    and then they sang a few songs with sami yusuf.

  3. no, not fully

    isam and waqas are muslim but lenny is christian

  4. Depends if they have instruments, if theres instruments the are haram, however i like to listen to nasheeds. Esp, Zain Bhika & Sami Yusef


  5. 2 guys are muslim, the other one isnt

    but they sing duets with sami yusuf and they come to islamic concerts, but their songs aren't all that bad i think they're suitable cuz there's no bad lyrics or anything but i wouldnt say they're a muslim group...

  6. idk .. listenin to music is haram  

  7. not all of them are muslim

    Isam and Waqas are Muslims, and Lenny is Catholic

  8. i heard that they're a mix of muslims and people from some other religion. i think christians idk check on wiki


  10. Imaam Maalik  did not view music to be Halaal. The great scholar and verifier, Ibnul-Jawzi narrated to us from Ishaaq ibn 'Esa at Tabaa, that he asked Imaam Maalik about Ghinaa (Singing) to which Imaam Maalik Replied: "In fact, that is done by the sinful ones. " And Abu-Teeb at-Tabaari said: "As for Maalik bin Anas, he truly did prohibit singing and listening to it." Al-Qurtubi narrates to us that Imaam Maalik truely prohibited Music, and singing (singing with the exception of the Halaal situations such as the 'Eid [Note: Singing without music])

    Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal did also prohibit music. Abul Faraj Ibnul-Jawzi said in his famous treatise, Tablees Iblees, that Imaam Ahmad prohibited Music and Singing. Imaan Ahmad's own son, Abdullah said to us that he father used to say, "Singing sprouts hypocrisy in the heart; it doesn’t please me. " Ismaeel bin Ishaaq ath Thaqafi narrated that Imaam Ahmad said about poetry, "I despise it, for it is a bidaah(innovation). Don’t sit down to listen to its reciters"

    Ibnul Jawzi attests that Imaam Ahmad held innocent singing (without music) as being halaal and forbade other types.

    Imaam Shaafi'ee held the view that music is prohibited. In his book Adaabul Qadaa he says: "Verily, song is loathsome; it resembles the false and vain thing (al-baatil). The one who partakes of it frequently is an incompetent fool whose testimony is to be rejected." Al-Haarith Al-Muhaasibi, a disciple of ash-Shaafi'ee said: "Song is haraam, just as the carcass(maytah) is." Ar-Raafiee (a very well known shafi'ite scholar) said in ash-sharh al kabeer, that Music and singing is Haraam. And an-Nawawi agreed in his Roudah.

  11. No they are mixed lenny is not a muslim, he is a christian and the other two are muslim. Most of their music does contain instruments so i wouldn't recommend it.

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