
Ramadan Section: What is the best way to?

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Sometimes be mean. What is a good way to vent frustrations without backbiting or hurting someone else's feelings. I don't think its good to store it, so is there a good way to vent some hate speech, without harm? It's like there is a weight on my head.. :|




  1. Write it down.

    Make a letter, and never send it.

  2. When I feel I want to "back bite" someone, I usually talk smack about that person to my husband :P That usually gets my frustrations out. .

  3. Go into a small room and shout and yell till your pleased =)

    Or if you are religious I heard that reading the Quaran would help calm you down..

    For me, It's Yahoo Answers +)

  4. Heavy physical exercise works for me. Find a punching bag and go for it.  

  5. Revenge is always the weak pleasure of a little and narrow minded people..

    Its a bad feeling, just don't "feed" it.. Cause it'll grow...and when it grows too much.. :/

  6. Read the Quran verses 9:5  and 9:29, lol.  

  7. Salam for you my dear friend.The best way to vent frustrations without hurting someone else's feeling is just make a wudhu and then pray sunnah 2 raka'ats and make a du'a that Allah will fogive him/her and open his/her heart to the right path.If he/she is your close friend it is better you tell him/her what words make hurt to your feeling in order he/she ask for forgiveness to you and he/she does not make the same mistake in the futurre.

    You must forget his/her bad words and you forgive him/her so you can treat him/her well without anger..Insya Allah.

  8. Its OK, you can backbite about me. I won't mind xP

    Go on do it. You've done it before so you can do it again!


  9. Speak to the person about the issues you have, you never know you may overcome what is troubling you, I sometimes find this quite useful and helps me. Obviously I would not scream and insult them, but just express how I am feeling towards them.

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